HTML 4 area Tag

Also see HTML5 <area> Tag.

This page is for the HTML 4 version of this element. For a more up to date version, see HTML5 <area> Tag.

The HTML area tag is used for defining an area in an image map.

This tag is used in conjunction with the <map> tag and <img> tag to create an image map.


See below for a working example.


Attributes specific to this tag:
shapeDefines a shape for the clickable area. Possible values:
  • default
  • rect
  • circle
  • poly
coordsSpecifies the coordinates of the clickable area. Coordinates are specified as follows:
  • rect: left, top, right, bottom
  • circle: center-x, center-y, radius
  • poly: x1, y1, x2, y2, ...
nohrefSpecifies that the area has no link.
Other Attributes:
nameAssigns a name to the element.
usemapAssociates an element with an image map. For example, you associate the image with an image map by using this attribute.
classDocument wide identifier.
idDocument wide identifier
dirSpecifies the direction of the text
langLanguage code
styleInline style (CSS).
titleSpecifies a title to associate with the element.
altAlternate text. This specifies text to be used in case the browser/user agent can't render the image.
hrefSpecifies the URL of a page or the name of the anchor that the link goes to.
targetSpecifies the target frame to load the page into.
tabindexHelps determine the tabbing order (when the user 'tabs' through the elements on the page).
accesskeyAccess keys (or shortcut keys)
onfocusIntrinsic event (see event handlers)
onblurIntrinsic event (see event handlers)
onclickIntrinsic event (see event handlers)
ondbclickIntrinsic event (see event handlers)
onmousedownIntrinsic event (see event handlers)
onmouseupIntrinsic event (see event handlers)
onmouseoverIntrinsic event (see event handlers)
onmousemoveIntrinsic event (see event handlers)
onmouseoutIntrinsic event (see event handlers)
onkeypressIntrinsic event (see event handlers)
onkeydownIntrinsic event (see event handlers)
onkeyupIntrinsic event (see event handlers)

Try it Yourself!

Modify the code below, then click Update. See below for attributes.

HTML5 Tags

The information on this page is based on HTML version 4.01. Most modern browsers now support HTML5.

See HTML5 <area> Tag for the HTML5 version of the above element.

See this list of HTML tags for the latest list of HTML elements.