Databases are an essential part of websites and blogs all over the web. Whether you look after a corporate website, run a forums site, run your own blog, or you're simply a user — you can't escape the database!
This section of Quackit contains tutorials covering various database concepts. I hope to "de-mystify" the whole concept of databases so that beginners can develop an understanding of what a database is and where it fits in the larger picture of website development.

Database Tutorial
This database tutorial is aimed at beginners. It explains basic database concepts.

Access Tutorial
Microsoft Access tutorial for beginners. Step-by-step, plenty of screenshots. Create a database with forms, reports, and more.

SQL Server Tutorial
Learn SQL Server, starting with the basics. Create a database, tables, relationship, and more.

SQL Tutorial
SQL is the standard language for querying databases. Learn the basics here.

MySQL Tutorial
Learn how to use the world's most popular open source database management system.

Neo4j Tutorial
Neo4j is a graph database management system. It is ideal for storing relational/connected data.

SQLite Tutorial
SQLite is the world's most distributed database management system. It is used in web browsers, mobile phones, tablets, computer software, and more. Chances are, it's already installed on your system.

MongoDB Tutorial
MongoDB is a NoSQL database management system. It uses a document model to store data. Data is stored as JSON/BSON documents. These documents are semi-structured, and represent the flexible schema of the database.