HTML 4 td Tag
Also see HTML5 <td>
This page is for the HTML 4 version of this element. For a more up to date version, see HTML5 <td>
The HTML <td>
tag is used for specifying a cell (or table data) within a table.
Also see the <th>
tag for specifying a table header.
Attributes specific to this tag: | |
headers | Specifies a space-separated list of header cells that contain information about this cell. The value needs to correspond with the id of the header cell (which is set using the id attribute). This attribute is useful for non-visual browsers. |
scope | This attribute is used on header cells and specifies the cells that will use this header's information. Possible values:
abbr | Specifies an abbreviated version of the cell's content. Depending on the browser, it may render this in place of the cell's content if appropriate. |
axis | Specifies a category for this td. This can potentially be used to perform queries against the table data and can be beneficial in the context of a speech browser. For more information, see Categorizing cells on the W3 website. |
rowspan | Specifies the number of rows the current cell spans across. |
colspan | Specifies the number of columns the current cell spans across. |
nowrap | Prevents text from automatically wrapping. This attribute is deprecated - use CSS instead. |
width | Width of the td. This tag is deprecated. |
height | Height of the td. This tag is deprecated. |
Other Attributes: | |
Attribute | Description |
dir | Specifies the direction of the text |
class | Document wide identifier. |
id | Document wide identifier |
lang | Language code |
title | Specifies a title to associate with the element. Many browsers will display this when the cursor hovers over the element (similar to a "tool tip"). |
style | Inline style (CSS) |
bgcolor | Background color of the td. Note: This attribute is deprecated, use the CSS background-color property instead. |
align | Visual alignment. Possible values:
valign | Vertical alignment. Possible values:
char | Specifies a character to use for aligning text to. Used when align=char . |
charoff | Specifies an alignment offset (either in pixels or percentage value) against the first character as specified with the char attribute. Used when align=char |
onclick | Intrinsic event (see event handlers) |
ondbclick | Intrinsic event (see event handlers) |
onmousedown | Intrinsic event (see event handlers) |
onmouseup | Intrinsic event (see event handlers) |
onmouseover | Intrinsic event (see event handlers) |
onmousemove | Intrinsic event (see event handlers) |
onmouseout | Intrinsic event (see event handlers) |
onkeypress | Intrinsic event (see event handlers) |
onkeydown | Intrinsic event (see event handlers) |
onkeyup | Intrinsic event (see event handlers) |
HTML5 Tags
The information on this page is based on HTML version 4.01. Most modern browsers now support HTML5.
See HTML5 <td>
Tag for the HTML5 version of the above element.
See this list of HTML tags for the latest list of HTML elements.