Create a Website

Here I explain the basic concepts of creating a website, from hosting, domain names, to coding.
I outline two approaches to creating a website — using a website builder, and coding it yourself.
I also show you how to get a free domain name with your website builder or hosting account.
Create a Blog

Here I guide you through the steps in creating your own blog using managed WordPress.
This includes a free domain name for your blog.
Managed WordPress is a hosting account where your blog is already installed and configured right from the start. It's the easiest way to create a blog and start blogging!

HTML Tutorial
Walks through the basics, such as creating your first web page. Then covers topics including tables, adding color, images, forms, image maps, and more.

HTML Templates
Free, responsive templates that automatically adjust their layout according to the screen size.

HTML Codes
Extensive list of copy/paste code examples. Copy and paste straight into your website, blog, or newsletter.

Full list of all HTML elements.
This is an alphabetical list of HTML elements, linking to a full page of details for each element.

HTML Editor
Use this online HTML editor to create HTML snippets or a whole web page.

Bootstrap Tutorial
Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.

CSS Examples
Loads of copy & paste code examples. Includes backgrounds, borders, colors, gradients, CSS grid, flexbox, animations, and more.

CSS Reference
CSS properties, functions, @-rules, data types, color values, and more — all on one page. Filter by keyword.

Grid Layout Tutorial
CSS grid layout will soon be an essential skill for any front-end developer's toolkit. Check it out and see all the fuss is about.

Flexbox Tutorial
Learn how to create flexible layouts and widgets without having to resort to floats and clearfixes!

CSS Tutorial
CSS is the standard way to style web pages. It allows you to set colors, fonts, widths, heights, margins, padding, and much more.

CSS Color
Loads of CSS color resources. Color pickers, color charts, converters, generators. Full reference for color properties and color values.

JavaScript Tutorial
JavaScript is the most widely used scripting language on the web. Learn the basics with this beginner's tutorial.

Python Tutorial
Python is one of the easiest programming languages for beginners to learn. It's also used by some of the largest companies on the planet.

jQuery Tutorial
jQuery is a popular JavaScript library that makes it easy to add JavaScript functionality to your website. This tutorial covers the basics of jQuery.

JSON Tutorial
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format. JSON is used for exchanging data between applications and different environments.

ColdFusion Tutorial
ColdFusion is a server-side programming environment for building web applications. This tutorial covers the basics, as well as more advanced topics like sending mail, debugging, etc

PHP Tutorial
PHP is another server-side language that allows you to provide extra functionality on your website. This tutorial is aimed at beginners with no programming experience.

Database Tutorial
This database tutorial is aimed at beginners. It explains basic database concepts.

Access Tutorial
Microsoft Access tutorial for beginners. Step-by-step, plenty of screenshots. Create a database with forms, reports, and more.

SQL Tutorial
SQL is the standard language for querying databases. Learn the basics here.

MySQL Tutorial
Learn how to use the world's most popular open source database management system.

SQL Server Tutorial
Learn SQL Server, starting with the basics. Create a database, tables, relationship, and more.

Neo4j Tutorial
Neo4j is a graph database management system. It is ideal for storing relational/connected data.
Web Hosting

Web Hosting Tutorial
Explains the basic concepts of web hosting, domain names, FTP, how to choose a hosting provider, and more.

Domain Names
Explains domain name basics, such as domain extensions, plus how to register or transfer a domain name.

Create a Website
Explains the basic concepts behind creating a website. From hosting, domain names, to building it.