HTML 4 frame Tag

Obsolete in HTML5
This tag is obsolete in HTML5, so it's best to avoid using it.

The HTML frame tag is used to specify each frame within a frameset. For example, you can have a left frame for navigation and a right frame for the main content. For each frame, you specify the frame with the frame tag.

Also see:

Frames are not supported in HTML 5 due to the usability issues that they have caused. Despite this, HTML 5 still allows the <iframe> tag.


View the result


Attributes specific to this tag:
nameAssigns a name to a frame. This is useful for loading contents into one frame from another.
longdescA long description - this can elaborate on a shorter description specified with the title attribute.
srcLocation of the frame contents (for example, the HTML page to be loaded into the frame).
noresizeSpecifies whether the frame is resizable or not (i.e. whether the user can resize the frame or not).
scrollingWhether the frame should be scrollable or not (i.e. should scrollbars appear). Possible values:
  • auto
  • yes
  • no
frameborderWhether the frame should have a border or not. Possible values:
  • 1 (border)
  • 0 (no border)
marginwidthSpecifies the margin, in pixels, between the frame's contents and it's left and right margins.
marginheightSpecifies the margin, in pixels, between the frame's contents and it's top and bottom margins.
Other Attributes:
classDocument wide identifier.
idDocument wide identifier
titleSpecifies a title to associate with the element. Many browsers will display this when the cursor hovers over the element (similar to a "tool tip").
styleInline style (CSS)

HTML5 Tags

The information on this page is based on HTML version 4.01. Most modern browsers now support HTML5.

See this list of HTML tags for the latest list of HTML elements.