HTML <blockquote> Tag

The HTML <blockquote> tag is used for creating the 'blockquote' element. This element represents content that is quoted from another source.

Browsers usually render <blockquote> text as indented text. This results in an indented paragraph (or multiple indented paragraphs if the <blockquote> spans multiple paragraphs). For shorter quoted text that needs to display within a non-quoted paragraph, use <q> tag. Most browsers surround <q> text with quotation marks.


The <blockquote> tag is written as <blockquote></blockquote> with the quoted content inserted between the start and end tag.

Like this:


Basic tag usage

Here is a basic example of using the <blockquote> element. Note that it is not necessary to use <p> tags inside the <blockquote> tag (although you can if you wish).

Nested <cite> Tag

The above example uses a <cite> tag to cite the source of the quote. It places this tag outside the <blockquote> element. This is optional. You could just as easily place the <cite> tag inside the <blockquote> element. Like this:

Nesting Other Elements

The <blockquote> element accepts "flow content", which is basically most tags that are used within the <body> element.

For longer quotes, you can use the <p> tag to break up each paragraph.

You can even use the <footer> tag to provide a footer for the <blockquote> element. The footer could contain the <cite> element (like in the following example).

Using the cite Attribute

You can use the cite attribute to provide the URL from where the quote came from (if any).

In this example we use the <cite> tag to refer to the source and the cite attribute to provide the URL of the source.

Note that the cite attribute is not actually intended for users, but for private use, such as server-side scripts that collect statistics about quotation usage for example. Having said that, it's possible that some user agents may follow the cite's value.


Attributes can be added to an HTML element to provide more information about how the element should appear or behave.

The <blockquote> element accepts the following attributes.

citeIndicates the source of the quotation. It must be a URI (or IRI), for example the URL of a web page.

Global Attributes

The following attributes are standard across all HTML elements. Therefore, you can use these attributes with the <blockquote> tag , as well as with all other HTML tags.

For a full explanation of these attributes, see HTML 5 global attributes.

Event Handlers

Event handler content attributes enable you to invoke a script from within your HTML. The script is invoked when a certain "event" occurs. Each event handler content attribute deals with a different event.

Most event handler content attributes can be used on all HTML elements, but some event handlers have specific rules around when they can be used and which elements they are applicable to.

For more detail, see HTML event handler content attributes.