SQL Server System Errors: 46000 - 49999

List of error messages between 46000 and 49999 in SQL Server 2017.

These error messages are all available by querying the sys.messages catalog view on the master database.

message_id severity is_event_logged text
46501150External table references '%S_MSG' that does not exist.
46502150Type with name '%.*ls' already exists.
46503150Invalid format for option '%S_MSG'.
46504150External option '%S_MSG' is not valid. Ensure that the length and range are appropriate.
46505150Missing required external DDL option '%S_MSG'.
46506150Invalid set of options specified for '%S_MSG'.
46507150Cannot perform DML on external tables.
46508150Incorrect syntax on external DDL option '%S_MSG'.
46509150FILE_FORMAT must be specified for HADOOP data source.
46510150FILE_FORMAT cannot be specified for RDBMS data source.
46511150EXTERNAL %S_MSG with id %d cannot be found.
46512150%S_MSG cannot be used with %S_MSG data source.
46513150A sharding column name must be provided when using SHARDED distribution.
46514150DISTRIBUTION must be specified when using a SHARD_MAP_MANGER data source.
46515150The specified sharding column name does not match any column in the external table definition.
46516150The specified credential cannot be found or the user does not have permission to perform this action.
46517170XML Parse error when de-serializing PDW Metadata.
46518150The %S_MSG '%ls' is not supported with %S_MSG.
46519150%ls are not supported with %S_MSG.
46520150The external DDL statement contained an unrecognized option.
46521150Queries over external tables are not supported with the current service tier or performance level of this database. Consider upgrading the service tier or performance level of the database.
46522100Failed to update '%S_MSG'.
46523150A SCHEMA_NAME must be specified when using OBJECT_NAME.
46524150An OBJECT_NAME must be specified when using SCHEMA_NAME.
46525150External tables are not supported with the %S_MSG data source type.
46526150The %S_MSG operation is not supported with %S_MSG data source type.
46527150Altering the '%S_MSG' property is not permitted for an external data source of type %ls.
46643160external tables
46644160external tables for sharded data
46645160Remote Data Archive
46654160database scoped credential
46701160Query notifications is not an implemented feature for SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46702160Remote RPC requests are not an implemented feature for SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46703160Conversion error while attempting conversion between IPC blob parameter.
46704160Large object column support in SQL Server Parallel DataWarehouse server is limited to only nvarchar(max) data type.
46705160Unsupported parameter type found while parsing RPC request. The request has been terminated.
46706160Cursor support is not an implemented feature for SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46707160The given IPC request with code %d is not supported for SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46709160Default parameter support is not an implemented feature for SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46710160Unsupported transaction manager request %d encountered. SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint only supports local transaction request for 'begin/commit/rollback'.
46711160Unsupported TDS request packet of type %d encountered on SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint. Only batch, rpc and transaction requests are supported.
46712160Unexpected error encountered during request processing. Connection will be terminated.
46713160Integrated authentication is not an implemented feature for SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46716160Attach Database File is not an implemented feature for SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46717160Login as Replication or Remote user is not supported by SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46718160Only 'us_english' or 'English' language is supported by SQL Server Parallel DataWarehousing TDS endpoint.
46719160Attempt to reset connection with 'Keep Transaction' failed because the incoming request was not a commit/rollback request. This error can occur if more than one SqlConnection is used within the scope of a System.Transactions.Transaction.
46720160Parallel query execution on the same connection is not supported.
46721160Login failed. The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Integrated authentication.
46722160Client driver version is not supported.
46723160Large object column in Global Query is not supported for types other than Nvarchar(MAX), Varchar(MAX), Varbinary(MAX) and Image.
46801160GlobalQuery operations
46802160Failed to load module for global query.
46803160Failed to locate entry point for global query module.
46804160Failed to initialize the global query module.
46805160Conversion error while constructing the GlobalQuery request.
46806160An error occurred while executing GlobalQuery operation: %.*ls
46807160An access violation occurred while performing GlobalQuery operation. Execution has been aborted.
46808160An entry corresponding to given Global Query request could not be located. Execution has been aborted.
46809160An error occurred while attempting to execute the Global Query request. Error Code: %d, Severity: %d, State: %d.
46810160An unhandled exception occurred while performing GlobalQuery operation. Execution has been aborted.
46811160An unexpected error with code 0x%x occurred while executing GlobalQuery operation.
46826160Output parameters are not supported with %.*ls.
46827160The option '%ls' must be turned ON to execute queries referencing external tables.
46828160The USE PLAN hint is not supported for queries that reference external tables. Consider removing USE PLAN hint.
46829160The proc %.*ls is only supported for external data sources of type SHARD_MAP_MANAGER or RDBMS.
46830160Internal column references are not supported for external tables.
46901100Stored procedure finished successfully. Polybase engine service is disabled. Please restart Polybase DMS service.
46902100Stored procedure finished successfully. Polybase engine service is enabled. Please restart Polybase engine and DMS services.
46903100This stored procedure is not available because Polybase feature is not enabled.
46904160Failed to get the computer name. This might indicate a problem with the network configuration of the computer. Error: %ls.
46905100Head node cannot be removed from a Polybase computational group.
46906160Unable to retrieve registry value '%ls' from Windows registry key '%ls': %ls.
46907160Unable to delete registry value '%ls' from Windows registry key '%ls': %ls.
46908160Unable to update registry value '%ls' in Windows registry key '%ls': %ls.
46909160Unable to open registry key '%ls': %ls.
46910160Incorrect number of parameters specified for procedure.
46911160Procedure expects parameter '%ls' of type '%ls'.
46912160The option '%ls' must be turned ON to execute requests referencing external tables.
46913160The USE PLAN hint is not supported for queries that reference external tables. Consider removing USE PLAN hint.
46914160INSERT into external table is disabled. Turn on the configuration option 'allow polybase export' to enable.
46915160Table hints are not supported on queries that reference external tables.
46916160Queries that reference external tables are not supported by the legacy cardinality estimation framework. Ensure that trace flag 9481 is not enabled, the database compatibility level is at least 120 and the legacy cardinality estimator is not explicitly enabled through a database scoped configuration setting.
46917160An internal error occured while attempting to retrieve the encrypted database-scoped credential secret.
46918160An internal error occured while attempting to retrieve the encrypted database-scoped credential secret.
46919160An internal error occured while attempting to retrieve the encrypted database-scoped credential secret.
46920100Polybase feature disabled.
47000100Reason: FedAuth RPS Initialization failed when fetching CLSID of RPS ProgID.
47001100Reason: FedAuth RPS Initialization failed when creating instance of Passport.RPS COM Object.
47002100Reason: FedAuth RPS Initialization failed when initializing the RPS COM object.
47003100Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when getting IRPSAuth object.
47004100Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when getting IRPSPropBag object.
47005100Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed during IRPS::Authenticate.
47006100Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when getting IRPSValidatedPropertyBag object.
47007100Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed during SetAuthPolicy.
47008100Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed during ValidateTicketWithAuthPolicy.
47009100Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when fetching Session Key.
47010100Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when initializing HMAC Hash object.
47011100Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when computing HMAC Hash Signature.
47012100Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when comparing HMAC Hash Signature with the one sent by the client.
47013100Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when fetching MemberId Low.
47014100Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when fetching MemberId High.
47015100Reason: FedAuth RPS Authentication failed when fetching MemberName.
47016100Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Initialization failed when opening Certificate Store.
47017100Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Initialization failed when trying to find ceritificate in store.
47018100Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Initialization failed when trying to initialize Error object for service proxy.
47019100Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Initialization failed when trying to create service proxy.
47020100Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Initialization failed when trying to open service proxy.
47021100Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Group Expansion failed when trying to initialize Heap object.
47022100Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Group Expansion failed when trying to initialize Error object.
47023100Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Group Expansion failed during Group Membership Lookup.
47024100Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Group Expansion failed during validation of federated context.
47025100Reason: FedAuth AzureActiveDirectoryService Group Expansion failed due to unknown reason.
47026100Reason: Failure occurred when trying to fetch the HMAC signature of prelogin client nonce to set FeatureExtAck
47027100Reason: This was a non-Microsoft domain login attempt in a Non-SDS session.
47028100Reason: This FedAuth library is not supported by the security layer for authentication.
47029100Reason: This FedAuth Ticket type is not supported by the security layer for authentication.
47030100Reason: The Feature Switch for this FedAuth protocol is OFF.
47031100Reason: There was a failure in acquiring the max heap memory limit from config during AAD group expansion.
47032100Reason: There is a user error in FedAuth token parsing. There should be a seperate XEvent called 'fedauth_web_token_failure' which indicate the actual eroor code
47033100Reason: There is a System error in FedAuth token parsing. There should be a seperate XEvent called 'fedauth_web_token_failure' which indicate the actual eroor code
47034100Reason: Authentication was successful, but database is in Recovering state.
47035100Reason: Login failed because it was attempting to use integrated authentication, which we do not support.
47036100Reason: Login failed because USE db failed while checking firewall rules.
47037100Reason: Login failed because Deny External Connections flags is on.
47038100Reason: Login failed because client disconnected when fedauth specific processing was going on during login.
47039100Reason: Login failed because the client is attempting to use certificate authentication without correct permissions.
47040100Reason: Login failed because database is not found.
47041100Reason: Login failed because login token feature extension is not present.
47042100Reason: Login failed because login token feature extension is malformed.
47043100 Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Login is disabled.
47044100 Reason: Login-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Login is disabled.
47045100 Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Login lacks Connect SQL permission.
47046100 Reason: Login-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Login lacks Connect SQL permission.
47047100 Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Login lacks connect endpoint permission.
47048100 Reason: Login-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Login lacks connect endpoint permission.
47049100 Reason: VNET Firewall Rule has rejected the login.
47050100 Reason: Unexpected error while copying the VNET IPv6 address.
47051100 Reason: Unexpected error while parsing the VNET IPv6.
47052100 Reason: Unexpected error while extracting VNET metadata info from the IPv6 (VNET parsing).
47053100 Reason: Unexpected error on VNET firewall rule table lookup.
47054100 Reason: Unexpected error on VNET firewall rule table COUNT lookup.
47055100 Reason: VNET Firewall rejected the login due to a the source of a login being outside a VNET
47056100 Reason: Firewall rejected the login attempt because VNET firewall rules are not database-level, only server-level.
47057100 Reason: Firewall rejected the login because an IPv6 attempt was received when not expected
47058100 Reason: Unexpected error on VNET firewall rule table lookup while looking up the IPv4 Allow All rule.
47100160The cluster type of availability group '%.*ls' doesn't match its primary configuration. Verify that the specified availability group cluster type is correct, then retry the operation.
47101160The cluster type of availability group '%.*ls' only supports MANUAL failover mode. Verify that the specified availability group cluster type is correct, then retry the operation.
47102160The cluster type of availability group '%.*ls' only supports EXTERNAL failover mode. Verify that the specified availability group cluster type is correct, then retry the operation.
47103160The cluster type of availability group '%.*ls' only supports AUTOMATIC and MANUAL failover modes. Verify that the specified availability group cluster type is correct, then retry the operation.
47104160This operation cannot be performed on the availability group '%.*ls' because it has EXTERNAL cluster type. Use the cluster management tools to perform the operation.
47105160The Always On Availability Groups feature must be enabled for this server instance before you can perform availability group operations. Please enable the feature, then retry the operation.
47106160Cannot join availability group '%.*ls'. Download configuration timeout. Please check primary configuration, network connectivity and firewall setup, then retry the operation.
47107160The %ls operation is not allowed by the current availability group configuration. The availability group '%.*ls' only supports one relica which has configuration-only availability mode. Verify that the specified availability group availability mode is correct, then retry the operation.
47108160The %ls operation is not allowed by the current availability group configuration. The availability group '%.*ls' only supports two synchronous mode replicas and required_syncrhonized_secondaries_to_commit is zero when configuration-only mode replica is specified. Verify that the specified availability group availability mode is correct, then retry the operation.
47109160Availability group '%.*ls' cannot failover to this replica. Configuration-only replica cannot become primary. An attempt to fail over an availability group failed. The replica is a configuration-only and cannot become a primary.
47110150The '%.*ls' option is not valid for the '%.*ls' replica as it is a configuration-only. Remove this option, then retry the operation
47111160Local availability replica for availability group '%.*ls' cannot be granted permission to create databases. The replica is a configuration-only and cannot host databases inside the availability group.
47112160Configuration-only replica for availability group '%.*ls' cannot be modified. This replica is a configuration-only and only can be added or removed.
47113160The '%.*ls' option is not valid for the '%.*ls' replica for modification. Remove this option, then retry the operation.
47114160Availability replica '%.*ls' cannot be added to availability group '%.*ls'. Configuration-only Replica canot added into WSFC cluster type AG. Verify that the AVAILABILITY_MODE setting is correct, then retry the operation.
49401161Database backup not supported on this database as it has foreign files attached.
49501160DBCC SHRINKFILE for %.*ls is aborted. Sbs flat files are not supported
49502100%.*ls: Page %d:%d could not be moved because it is an sbs flat file page or the destination is an sbs flat file page.
49600220SQL tiered storage table schema is corrupt.
49601160SBS Flat File Access not fully initialized, when function '%ls' was called.
49602160Failure waiting for %ls latch in '%ls'.
49701100Server override on the category is not supported yet (Server: '%.*ls', Category: '%.*ls').
49702100The category name is either invalid or not supported yet. Server: '%.*ls'. CategoryName: '%.*ls'.
49703100Failed to parse server override on server '%.*ls'. The category name is: '%.*ls' and the override string is: '%.*ls'.
49704100Failed to apply server override on category '%.*ls', because physical db or instance '%.*ls' in server '%.*ls' is currently not in 'Ready' or 'Deactivated' state.
49705100Failed to merge server override into property bag on physical db or instance '%.*ls' of server '%.*ls'. The override string is: '%.*ls'.
49801100Dynamic Deactivation Timer task encountered an error (SQL Error Code: %d). Refer to the xel for more details.
49802100Database is unavailable at the moment, please retry connection at later time.
49803100Resource Pool Data Space Usage Timer task encountered an error (SQL Error Code: %d).
49804100Database cannot be deactivated: Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls', ServiceLevelObjective '%.*ls'
49805100DynamicActivation feature switch is off for Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls', ServiceLevelObjective '%.*ls'
49806100DynamicActivation feature switch is not enabled for all remote storage DB: Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls', ServiceLevelObjective '%.*ls'
49807100DynamicActivation is only supported for remote storage DB: Logical Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls', ServiceLevelObjective '%.*ls'
49808100Deactivated database cannot be deactivated again: Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'
49809100Database Operation failed for Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls' due to unexpected delay. Please try again.
49810100Workflow failed due to throttling: Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'
49811100Deactivation is not supported on Disabled database: Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'
49812100EnableForceNoBackupDeactivation is not enabled: Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'
49813100Deactivation is not supported on databases part of servers in global transaction partnership: Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'
49814100DynamicActivation is not supported for GeoDR DB: Logical Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls', ServiceLevelObjective '%.*ls'
49815100Database cannot be deactivated: Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls', ServiceLevelObjective '%.*ls'
49816100Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls' cannot be online as BlockingMode is set
49817100Failed to query CMS for thottling on database '%.*ls', '%.*ls' due to the exception: '%.*ls'
49818100Cannot deactivate a database when it is already getting deactivated, Server '%.*ls', Database '%.*ls'
49819100Deflation Monitor Timer task encountered an error (SQL Error Code: %d).tRefer to the xel for more details.t
49901100The number of max worker threads that is configured %u is less than the minimum allowed on this computer. The default number of %u will be used instead. To change the number of max worker threads, use sp_configure 'max worker threads'.
49902100There are not enough worker threads available for the number of CPUs. This is because one or more CPUs were added. To increase the number of worker threads, use sp_configure 'max worker threads'.
49903101Detected %I64d MB of RAM. This is an informational message; no user action is required.
49904101The service account is '%.*ls'. This is an informational message; no user action is required.
49905101Error %u occurred while opening parameters file '%s'. Verify that the file exists, and if it exists, verify that it is a valid parameters file.
49906101Error %u occurred while processing parameters from either the registry or the command prompt. Verify your parameters.
49907101Ignored deprecated SQL Server startup parameters from the registry: %.*ls
49908101The following SQL Server startup parameters are either deprecated or incorrectly specified: %.*ls
49909101Multiple instances of SQL server are installed on this computer. Renter the command, specifying the -s parameter with the name of the instance that you want to start.
49910100Software Usage Metrics is disabled.
49911100Software Usage Metrics failed to start.
49912100Software Usage Metrics is enabled.
49913100The server could not load DCOM. Software Usage Metrics cannot be started without DCOM.
49914100%ls Trace: %ls
49915101Invalid, incomplete, or deprecated parameters were found in the command line or in the registry. Normally those would be ignored but the '%s' parameter was specified which cause SQL Server to exit. Remove the offending parameters. Check the error log for further details.
49916101UTC adjustment: %d:%02u
49917101Default collation: %ls (%ls %u)
49918160Cannot process request. Not enough resources to process request. Please retry you request later.
49919160Cannot process create or update request. Too many create or update operations in progress for subscription "%ld". Query sys.dm_operation_status for pending operations. Wait till pending create/update requests are complete or delete one of your pending create/update requests and retry your request later.
49920160Cannot process request. Too many operations in progress for subscription "%ld". Query sys.dm_operation_status for pending operations and wait till the operation is complete or delete one of the pending requests and retry later.
49922160Unable to process '%s' notification for subscription '%ld' because it contains '%d' child resources
49924160Subscription '%ld' does not support creating a database with selected service level objective '%ls'. Try creating a database with different service level objective.
49925160Databases cannot be updated to free service level objective.
49926100Server setup is starting
49927100An error occurred while setting the server administrator (SA) password: error %d, severity %d, state %d.
49928100An error occurred during server setup. See previous errors for more information.
49929100Server setup completed successfully.
49930101Parallel redo is %ls for database '%.*ls' with worker pool size [%d].
49931100An error occurred while configuring engine telemetry: error %d, severity %d, state %d.
49932100An error occurred while initializing security. %ls.
49933100ERROR: The MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD environment variable must be set when using the --reset-sa-password option.
49934101Error %u occurred while reading the RbIo configuration parameters. Verify that the sqlservr.ini or registry entries exist.
49936100ERROR: The provided PID [%s] is invalid. The PID must be in the form #####-#####-#####-#####-##### where '#' is a number or letter.
49937100ERROR: A failure occurred in the licensing subsystem. Error [%d].
49938100The licensing PID was successfully processed. The new edition is [%s].
49939160Unable to initialize user-specified certificate configuration. The server is being shut down. Verify that the certificate is correctly configured. Error[%d]. State[%d].
49940160Unable to open one or more of the user-specified certificate file(s). Verify that the certificate file(s) exist with read permissions for the user and group running SQL Server.
49941160Unable to load one or more of the user-specified certificate file(s). Verify that the certificate file(s) are of a supported format.
49942160Internal error occurred initializing user-specified certificate configuration. Error code [%08X].
49943100The certificate [Certificate File:'%hs', Private Key File:'%hs'] was successfully loaded for encryption.
49944160The allowed TLS protocol version list ['%hs'] is invalid. Verify that the supplied TLS version numbers are supported by SQL Server and separated by spaces in the configuration.
49945160The allowed TLS cipher list ['%hs'] is invalid. See docs.microsoft.com for more information on creating a cipher list.
49946160Internal error occurred initializing the TLS configuration. Error code [%d].
49947160Unable to initialize the TLS configuration. The server is being shut down. Verify that the allowed TLS protocol and cipher lists are configured correctly. Error state [%d].
49948100Successfully initialized the TLS configuration. Allowed TLS protocol versions are ['%hs']. Allowed TLS ciphers are ['%hs'].
49949100ERROR: Unable to set system administrator password: %s.
49950100The SQL Server End-User License Agreement (EULA) must be accepted before SQL
49951100Server can start. The license terms for this product can be downloaded from
49953100You can accept the EULA by specifying the --accept-eula command line option,
49954100setting the ACCEPT_EULA environment variable, or using the mssql-conf tool.
49955100Environment Variable Startup Parameters:%.*ls
49956100The default language (LCID %d) has been set for engine and full-text services.
49957100The default language (LCID %d) failed to be set for engine and full-text services.
49958210The server collation cannot be changed with user databases attached. Please detach user databases before changing server collation.
49959100ERROR: The environment variable MSSQL_COLLATION contains an invalid collation '%.*ls'.
49960100Did not find an existing master data file %s, copying the missing default master and other system database files. If you have moved the database location, but not moved the database files, startup may fail. To repair: shutdown SQL Server, move the master database to configured location, and restart.
49961100Setup step is %scopying system data file '%s' to '%s'.
49962100ERROR: Setup FAILED copying system data file '%s' to '%s': %s
49963100ERROR: '%s' is a directory. Cannot continue.
49964100ERROR: Setup failed to create the system data directory '%s': %s