SQL Server System Errors: 16000 - 16999

List of error messages between 16000 and 16999 in SQL Server 2017.

These error messages are all available by querying the sys.messages catalog view on the master database.

message_id severity is_event_logged text
16001160Data masking is not supported for the data type of column '%.*ls'.
16002160Invalid data masking function in column '%.*ls'.
16003160The data type of column '%.*ls' does not support data masking function '%.*ls'.
16004160Incorrect number of parameters for data masking function '%.*ls' for column '%.*ls'.
16005160Invalid argument for data masking function '%.*ls' for column '%.*ls'.
16006160Invalid data masking format for function '%.*ls' in column '%.*ls'.
16007160The column '%.*ls' does not have a data masking function.
16008160Cannot add a masking function to a column that is encrypted.
16009160Cannot add a masking function to a column used as a sparse column set.
16010160External script cannot be executed on masked data columns.
16011160The data masking function for column '%.*ls' is too long.
16012160The query accessed too many different databases.
16013160Cannot add a masking function to a column used in a key to a fulltext index.
16014160Failed to create fulltext index because key column '%.*ls' has a masking function defined on it.
16015160The index on view '%.*ls' cannot be created because the view is referencing table '%.*ls' with masked columns.
16016160Cannot add a masking function to a column used in a sparse column set.
16202160Keyword or statement option '%.*ls' is not supported on the '%.*ls' platform.
16601160Credential of database '%ls' are invalid.
16602160Cannot delete sync agent '%ls' because it is used by sync member '%ls'.
16603160Cannot add database '%ls' into sync group because the database name is invalid.
16604160Hub database '%ls' is invalid.
16605160Member database '%ls' is invalid.
16606160Database '%ls' cannot be deleted because it is used as a sync metadata database which still contains sync groups and/or sync agents.
16607160Sync metadata database '%ls' is invalid.
16608160Cannot create or update sync group because the sync group name '%ls' is invalid.
16609160Cannot create or update sync group '%ls' because the conflict resolution policy is invalid.
16610160Cannot create sync group because the sync group name '%ls' is used.
16611160Cannot create or update sync group '%ls' because the sync schema contains circular reference.
16612160Cannot create or update sync group '%ls' because the table '%ls' in sync schema contains no clustered index.
16613160Cannot delete sync group '%ls' because the sync group is syncing.
16614160Cannot create or update sync group '%ls' because database '%ls' is invalid.
16615160Cannot create or update sync group '%ls' because the sync interval is invalid.
16616160Cannot update sync schema because the data type change is not supported.
16617160Sync group '%ls' is not ready to update sync schema because there are some ongoing operations on the sync group.
16618160Cannot update sync schema because some columns are missing in database '%ls'.
16619160Cannot update sync schema because some tables are missing in database '%ls'.
16620160Cannot update sync schema because the format of sync schema is invalid.
16621160Sync group '%ls' is not in active state. Make sure the sync schema of it is set.
16622160Hub database '%ls' is suspended because the credential of it is invalid.
16623160Sync group '%ls' is invalid.
16624160Cannot create or update sync member because the sync member name '%ls' is invalid.
16625160Cannot create or update the sync member '%ls' because the database type '%ls' provided is invalid.
16626160Cannot create or update the sync member '%ls' because the sync direction '%ls' provided is invalid.
16627160Cannot create or update the sync member '%ls' because the sync agent '%ls' provided is invalid.
16628160Cannot create or update the sync member '%ls' because the SQL Server database ID '%ls' provided is invalid.
16629160Cannot create sync member because the sync member name '%ls' provided is used.
16630160Cannot create sync member '%ls' because the database '%ls' provided is already added as a sync member.
16631160Cannot delete sync member '%ls' when it is syncing.
16632160Sync member '%ls' is invalid.
16633160Cannot create sync agent because the sync agent name '%ls' provided is used.
16634160Sync agent '%ls' is invalid.
16635160Cannot create sync group '%ls' because the maximum number of sync groups can be created is %d.
16636160Cannot create sync member '%ls' because the maximum number of sync members can be created in a sync group is %d.
16637160Cannot create or update sync group '%ls' because the maximum count of tables in sync schema is %d.
16638160Cannot create or update sync group '%ls' because the table '%ls' in sync schema contains no primary key.
16639160Cannot create or update sync group '%ls' because the sync schema provided contains unsupported column data type.
16640160Cannot refresh schema of the database '%ls'.
16641160Cannot create sync agent '%ls' under a different SQL Server than the one of sync metadata database.
16901160%hs: This feature has not been implemented yet.
16902160%ls: The value of the parameter %ls is invalid.
16903160The "%ls" procedure was called with an incorrect number of parameters.
16904160sp_cursor: optype: You can only specify ABSOLUTE in conjunction with DELETE or UPDATE.
16905160The cursor is already open.
16906170Temporary storage used by the cursor to store large object variable values referred by the cursor query is not usable any more.
16907160%hs is not allowed in cursor statements.
16909160%ls: The cursor identifier value provided (%x) is not valid.
16910160The cursor %.*ls is currently used by another statement.
16911160%hs: The fetch type %hs cannot be used with forward only cursors.
16914160The "%ls" procedure was called with too many parameters.
16915160A cursor with the name '%.*ls' already exists.
16916160A cursor with the name '%.*ls' does not exist.
16917160Cursor is not open.
16922160Cursor Fetch: Implicit conversion from data type %s to %s is not allowed.
16924160Cursorfetch: The number of variables declared in the INTO list must match that of selected columns.
16925160The fetch type %hs cannot be used with dynamic cursors.
16926160sp_cursoroption: The column ID (%d) does not correspond to a text, ntext, or image column.
16927160Cannot fetch into text, ntext, and image variables.
16928160sp_cursor: Exec statement is not allowed as source for cursor insert.
16929160The cursor is READ ONLY.
16930160The requested row is not in the fetch buffer.
16931160There are no rows in the current fetch buffer.
16932160The cursor has a FOR UPDATE list and the requested column to be updated is not in this list.
16933160The cursor does not include the table being modified or the table is not updatable through the cursor.
16934100Optimistic concurrency check failed. The row was modified outside of this cursor.
16935160No parameter values were specified for the sp_cursor-%hs statement.
16936160sp_cursor: One or more values parameters were invalid.
16937160A server cursor cannot be opened on the given statement or statements. Use a default result set or client cursor.
16938160sp_cursoropen/sp_cursorprepare: The statement parameter can only be a batch or a stored procedure with a single select, without FOR BROWSE, COMPUTE BY, or variable assignments.
16941160Cursor updates are not allowed on tables opened with the NOLOCK option.
16942160Could not generate asynchronous keyset. The cursor has been deallocated.
16943160Could not complete cursor operation because the table schema changed after the cursor was declared.
16945160The cursor was not declared.
16946160Could not open the cursor because one or more of its tables have gone out of scope.
16947160No rows were updated or deleted.
16948160The variable '%.*ls' is not a cursor variable, but it is used in a place where a cursor variable is expected.
16949160The variable '%.*ls' is a cursor variable, but it is used in a place where a cursor variable is not valid.
16950100The variable '%.*ls' does not currently have a cursor allocated to it.
16951160The variable '%.*ls' cannot be used as a parameter because a CURSOR OUTPUT parameter must not have a cursor allocated to it before execution of the procedure.
16952160A cursor variable cannot be used as a parameter to a remote procedure call.
16953100Remote tables are not updatable. Updatable keyset-driven cursors on remote tables require a transaction with the REPEATABLE_READ or SERIALIZABLE isolation level spanning the cursor.
16954160Executing SQL directly; no cursor.
16955160Could not create an acceptable cursor.
16956100The created cursor is not of the requested type.
16957160FOR UPDATE cannot be specified on a READ ONLY cursor.
16958160Could not complete cursor operation because the set options have changed since the cursor was declared.
16959160Unique table computation failed.
16960160You have reached the maximum number of cursors allowed.
16961100One or more FOR UPDATE columns have been adjusted to the first instance of their table in the query.
16962160The target object type is not updatable through a cursor.
16963160You cannot specify scroll locking on a cursor that contains a remote table.
16964160For the optimistic cursor, timestamp columns are required if the update or delete targets are remote.
16965160Cursor scroll locks were invalidated due to a transaction defect. Reissue the UPDATE or DELETE statement after a cursor fetch.
16966160%ls: Specified concurrency control option %d (%ls) is incompatible with static or fast forward only cursors. Only read-only is compatible with static or fast forward only cursors.
16992160The cursor operation is required to wait for cursor asynchronous population to complete. However, at this point the transaction cannot be yielded to let the asynchronous population to continue.
16996160%ls cannot take output parameters.
16998160The asynchronous cursor worktable population thread spawn failed.
16999201Internal Cursor Error: The cursor is in an invalid state.