SQL Server System Errors: 27000 - 27999

List of error messages between 27000 and 27999 in SQL Server 2017.

These error messages are all available by querying the sys.messages catalog view on the master database.

message_id severity is_event_logged text
27001160Reserved error message. Should never be issued.
27002160A null or invalid SqlCommand object was supplied to Fuzzy Lookup Table Maintenance by SQLCLR. Reset the connection.
27003160Bad token encountered during tokenization.
27004160Unexpected token type encountered during tokenization.
27005160Error Tolerant Index is corrupt.
27006160Deleted more than one rid from ridlist during delete operation. Error Tolerant Index is corrupt.
27007160Attempt to delete from empty ridlist. Error Tolerant Index is corrupt.
27008160rid to be deleted not found in rid-list. Error Tolerant Index is corrupt.
27009160Error Tolerant Index frequencies must be non-negative. Error Tolerant Index is corrupt.
27010160Attempt to insert row whose ID is already present. Error Tolerant Index is corrupt.
27011160No ridlist provided for appending. Error Tolerant Index is corrupt.
27012160Cannot delete token. Error Tolerant Index is corrupt.
27013160Tokenizer object has no delimiter set. Error Tolerant Index is corrupt.
27014160Deletion failed because token does not occur in index. Error Tolerant Index is corrupt.
27015160Unexpected ridlist length. Error Tolerant Index is corrupt.
27016160Cannot connect to Error Tolerant Index. Bad or missing SqlCommand object.
27017160Failed to drop index on reference table copy.
27018160Could not retrieve metadata from Error Tolerant Index. The index is probably corrupt.
27019160Could not initialize from metadata contained in Error Tolerant Index. The index is probably corrupt.
27022160An error specific to fuzzy lookup table maintenance has occurred.
27023160A system error occurred during execution of fuzzy lookup table maintenance.
27024160Cannot write at negative index position. Could not update Error Tolerant Index. The index is probably corrupt.
27025160Argument is not a valid hex string. Could not initialize from metadata contained in Error Tolerant Index. The index is probably corrupt.
27026160Negative count in Error Tolerant Index metadata. The index is probably corrupt.
27027160Error tolerant index metadata contains unsupported normalization flags. The index is probably corrupt.
27028160Invalid Error Tolerant Index metadata. The index is probably corrupt.
27029160Invalid Error Tolerant Index metadata version.
27030160Missing metadata. The Error Tolerant Index is probably corrupt.
27031160Unable to parse token counts in Error Tolerant Index metadata. The index is probably corrupt.
27032160Error Tolerant Index Metadata string too long. Index is probably corrupt.
27033160Error Tolerant Index Metadata length limit exceeded.
27034160Unexpected end of Error Tolerant Index metadata. Index is probably corrupt.
27037160No table name provided for Error Tolerant Index. The index is probably corrupt.
27038160No input provided for decoding in Error Tolerant Index metadata. Index is probably corrupt.
27039160No input provided for encoding in Error Tolerant Index metadata. Index is probably corrupt.
27040160No Error Tolerant Index metadata string provided for initialization. Index is probably corrupt.
27041160No Error Tolerant Index metadata provided for serialization. The index is probably corrupt.
27042160Could not lookup object_id. No object name provided.
27043160Could not lookup object_id. Null command object provided.
27044160Open connection required. Cannot query Error Tolerant Index.
27045160Cannot write to null output buffer. Could not update Error Tolerant Index. The index is probably corrupt.
27046160Output buffer provided is too small. Could not update Error Tolerant Index. The index is probably corrupt.
27047160The number of min-hash q-grams per token must be positive.
27048160Could not create index on reference table copy.
27049160Reference table (or internal copy) missing integer identity column. Error tolerant index is probably corrupt.
27050160The maximum allow integer identity value has been reached. Consider re-building the error tolerant index to use any gaps in sequence.
27051160Could not read rid from data provided (missing column name, null reader object, or corrupted data). The index is probably corrupted.
27052160Table maintenance insertion failed.
27053160A positive q-gram length is required for tokenization.
27054160Maintenance trigger already installed on this reference table.
27055160Missing extended property on maintenance trigger.
27056160Maintenance trigger name out of sync with Error Tolerant Index metadata. Index is probably corrupt.
27058160A SQL error occurred during execution of fuzzy lookup table maintenance.
27059160Could not lookup object_id. The reference table or maintenance trigger could not be found.
27060160The Error Tolerant Index table name provided is not a valid SQL identifier.
27061160The Error Tolerant Index table name provided refers to a missing table. Check sys.tables.
27062160An auxiliary Fuzzy Lookup table maintenance table is missing.
27063160An auxiliary Fuzzy Lookup table maintenance table name is null. Maintenance cannot proceed.
27064160The row deleted from the reference table could not be located in the reference table copy.
27065160Fuzzy Lookup Table Maintenance is not installed or the Error Tolerant Index is corrupt.
27100160The input parameter, '%ls', cannot be null. Provide a valid value for this parameter.
27101160The value specified for the input parameter, '%ls', is not valid. Provide a valid value for this parameter.
27102160The input parameter, '%ls', cannot be empty. Provide a valid value for this parameter.
27103160Cannot find the execution instance '%I64d' because it does not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions.
27104160Cannot find the folder '%ls' because it does not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions.
27105160Cannot find the operation '%I64d' because it does not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions.
27106160Cannot find the parameter '%ls' because it does not exist.
27107160The specified %ls already exists.
27108160The path for '%ls' cannot be found. The operation will now exit.
27109160Cannot find the project '%ls' because it does not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions.
27110160Default permissions for the project cannot be granted to the user. Make sure that the user can be assigned these permissions.
27111160Cannot find the reference '%I64d' because it is not part of the project or you do not have sufficient permissions.
27112160Unable to update the row in the table, '%ls'. Make sure that this row exists.
27113160Unable to delete one or more rows in the table, '%ls'. Make sure that these rows exist.
27114160Cannot find the reference '%I64d' because it does not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions.
27115160Cannot find the target folder '%ls' because it does not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions.
27116160Conversion failed while performing encryption.
27117160Failed to decrypt the project. The symmetric key that was used to encrypt it may have been deleted. Delete the project and deploy it again.
27118160Failed to deploy the project. Try again later.
27119160Failed to encrypt the project named '%ls'. The symmetric key may have been deleted. Delete the project and deploy it again.
27120160Failed to grant permission '%ls'.
27121160The project is currently running or has completed. An instance of execution can only be started once.
27122160Unable to perform impact analysis and lineage. The package data or configuration data might not be valid. To validate package data, open the package in Business Intelligence Development Studio. To validate configuration data, open the configuration XML file in an XML editor.
27123160The operation cannot be started by an account that uses SQL Server Authentication. Start the operation with an account that uses Integrated Authentication.
27124160Integration Services server cannot stop the operation. The specified operation with ID '%I64d' is not valid or is not running.
27125160Integration Services server cannot stop the operation. The specified operation is not in a consistent state and cannot be stopped.
27126160Integration Services server cannot stop the operation. The specified operation is already in Stopping state.
27127160The Integration Services catalog '%ls' does not exists.
27128160The name '%ls' is not valid. It consists of characters that are not allowed.
27129160The folder '%ls' already exists or you have not been granted the appropriate permissions to change it.
27130160Integration Services server was unable to impersonate the caller. Operating system returned error code: %ls.
27131160Integration Services server was unable to start the process, '%ls'. Operating system returned error code: %ls.
27132160Integration Services server was unable to create process component, '%ls'. Operating system returned error code: %ls.
27133160Integration Services server was unable to wait for process, '%ls', to finish. Operating system returned error code: %ls.
27135160The database, '%ls', already exists. Rename or remove the existing database, and then run SQL Server Setup again.
27136160The required components for the 32-bit edition of Integration Services cannot be found. Run SQL Server Setup to add the required components.
27137160The registry key for the system setting '%ls' could not be found. The operation will now exit.
27138160The input parameter cannot be null. Provide a valid value for the parameter.
27139160Integration Services server cannot be configured because there are active operations. Wait until there are no active operations, and then try to configure the server again.
27140160The operation cannot be started because the user is not a member of the database role, '%ls', or the server role, '%ls'. Log in as a member of one of these roles, and then try to start the operation again.
27141160Integration Services server cannot be configured because there are execution logs. Please cleanup all execution logs, and then try to configure the server again.
27142160'%ls' is not a valid environment name. It consists of characters that are not allowed.
27143160Cannot access the operation with ID, '%I64d'. Verify that the user has appropriate permissions.
27145160'%ls' is not a valid project name. It consists of characters that are not allowed.
27146160Cannot access the package or the package does not exist. Verify that the package exists and that the user has permissions to it.
27147160The data type of the input value is not compatible with the data type of the '%ls'.
27148160The data type of the parameter does not match the data type of the environment variable.
27149160Integration Services server cannot perform the requested operation on the specified package now, because the package is in pending state. Wait until the package is not in pending state, and try to perform the operation again.
27150160The version of the project has changed since the instance of the execution has been created. Create a new execution instance and try again.
27151100The restore operation for project '%ls' from version '%I64d' has started.
27152100The restore operation for project '%ls' to version '%I64d' has completed.
27153160Default permissions for the operation cannot be granted to the user. Make sure that the user can be assigned these permissions.
27154160The @sensitive parameter is missing. This parameter is used to indicate if the parameter contains a sensitive value.
27155160Project restore has failed. You cannot restore a project having an object_version_lsn that is the same as the current project.
27156160The Integration Services server property, '%ls', cannot be found. Check the name of the property and try again.
27157160The environment '%ls' already exists or you have not been granted the appropriate permissions to create it.
27158160Error number, %d, occurred in the procedure, '%ls', at line number, %d. The error message was: '%ls' The error level was %d and the state was %d.
27159160Data type of the input value is not supported.
27160160The Stored Procedure, '%ls', failed to run because the Integration Services database (SSISDB) is not in single-user mode. In SQL Server Management Studio, launch Database Properties dialog box for SSISDB, switch to the Options tab, and set the Restrict Access property to single-user mode (SINGLE_USER). Then, try to run the stored procedure again.
27161100Warning: the requested permission has already been granted to the user. The duplicate request will be ignored.
27162160The property, '%ls', cannot be changed because the Integration Services database is not in single-user mode. In Management Studio, in the Database Properties dialog box, set the Restrict Access property to single-user mode. Then, try to change the value of the property again.
27163160The value for the Integration Services server property, '%ls', is not valid. In Management Studio, in the Integration Services Properties dialog box, enter a valid value for this property.
27165100Warning: During startup, the Integration Services server marked operation %I64d (type %d, status %d) as terminated. Please check the operating system error logs for operation details.
27166160The installed version of SQL Server does not support the installation of the Integration Services server. Update SQL Server, and then try installing the Integration Services server again.
27167160Failed to change the encryption algorithm to '%ls'. An error occurred while encrypting the environment variables with the '%ls' algorithm.
27168160Failed to change the encryption algorithm to '%ls'. An error occurred while encrypting the parameter values using the '%ls' algorithm.
27169160Failed to create a log entry for the requested operation.
27170160Failed to retrieve the project named '%ls'.
27171160The value specified is not valid. A value of data type '%ls' is required.
27172160The certificate and symmetric key used to encrypt project '%ls' does not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions.
27173160The environment variable '%ls' already exists.
27175160The execution has already completed.
27176160The parameter '%ls' does not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions.
27177160Environment names must be unique. There is already an environment named '%ls'.
27178160Unable to execute the project named '%ls'. You do not have sufficient permissions.
27179160The object version does not match the project id or you do not have sufficient permissions.
27180160%ls is not a valid environment variable name. It consists of characters that are not allowed.
27181160The project '%ls' already exists or you have not been granted the appropriate permissions to access it.
27182160The environment '%s' does not exist or you have not been granted the appropriate permissions to access it.
27183160The environment variable '%ls' does not exist or you have not been granted the appropriate permissions to access it.
27184160In order to execute this package, you need to specify values for the required parameters.
27185160The validation record for ID '%I64d' does not exist or you have not been granted the appropriate permissions to access it.
27186160One or more environment variables could not be found in the referenced environment.
27187160The project does not exist or you have not been granted the appropriate permissions to access it.
27188160Only members of the ssis_admin or sysadmin server roles can create, delete, or rename a catalog folder.
27189160Catalog folder name cannot be NULL or an empty string.
27190160The folder '%ls' already exists or you have not been granted the appropriate permissions to create it.
27191160The '%d' permission is not applicable to objects of type '%d'. Grant, deny, or revoke of this permission is not allowed.
27192160The caller has not been granted the MANAGEPERMISSION permission for the specified object.
27193160SQL Server %ls is required to install Integration Services. It cannot be installed on this version of SQL Server.
27194160Cannot find the project because it does not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions.
27195160The operation failed because the execution timed out.
27196160Failed to delete the folder '%ls' because it is not empty. Only empty folders can be deleted.
27197160The specified %ls %ld does not exist.
27198160Failed to locate records for the specified operation (ID %I64d).
27199160%ls is not a valid folder name. It consists of characters that are not allowed.
27200160The project is missing the specified environment reference.
27201160Values are missing for required parameters in this package. Specify values in order to start the validation.
27202160This project is missing one or more environment references. In order to use environment variables, specify the corresponding environment reference identifier.
27203160Failed to deploy project. For more information, query the operation_messages view for the operation identifier '%I64d'.
27204160Failed to create environment reference. This project already has an reference to the specified environment.
27205160Some of the property values for this parameter are missing.
27206160Failed to deploy project to the folder '%ls'. You do not have sufficient permissions to deploy this project.
27207160Failed to locate one or more variables in the environment '%ls'.
27208160The environment reference '%I64d' is not associated with the project.
27209160Failed to create environment to the folder '%ls'. You do not have sufficient permissions to create this environment.
27210160Conversion failed when converting the %ls to data type %ls.
27212160Data tap can only be added or removed when the execution status is created.
27213160The package path and data flow path ID strings already exist for the execution ID %I64d. Provide package path and data flow path ID strings that are not in the catalog.execution_data_taps view.
27214160The data flow task GUID '%ls' and the data flow path ID string already exist for the execution ID %I64d. Provide a data flow task GUID and a data flow path ID string that are not in the catalog.execution_data_taps view.
27215160The data tap '%I64d' does not exist, or you do not have sufficient permissions to remove it. Provide a valid data tap ID.
27216160The number of rows must be a non-negative value. Specify a valid value.
27217160The logging level '%d' is undefined. Provide one of the following logging levels: 0 (None), 1 (Basic), 2 (Performance), 3 (Verbose), 4 (RuntimeLineage), 100 (Customized).
27218160The Integration Services Server cannot find the running process for execution ID %I64d. Provide a valid execution ID.
27219160Caller does not have permissions to execute the stored procedure.
27220160SSISDB database does not exist. Create the SSISDB database.
27221160Unable to map an environment variable with the sensitive property set to True, to a parameter with the sensitive property set to False. Ensure that the property settings match.
27222160The required components for the 64-bit edition of Integration Services cannot be found. Run SQL Server Setup to install the required components.
27223160Cannot move the project to folder '%ls' due to insufficient permissions.
27224160The parameter value cannot be changed after the execution has been started.
27225160The property cannot be overridden after the execution has been started.
27226160The database principal has granted or denied permissions to catalog objects in the database and cannot be dropped.
27227160The server '%ls' already exists.
27228160The server '%ls' does not exists.
27229160Cannot find the SQL login '%ls'.
27230160Failed to deploy the packages. Try again later.
27231160Failed to deploy packages. For more information, query the operation_messages view for the operation identifier '%I64d'.
27232160Failed to create customized logging level '%ls'. You do not have sufficient permissions to create customized logging level.
27233160Customized logging level name cannot be NULL or an empty string.
27234160'%ls' is not a valid customized logging level name. It consists of characters that are not allowed.
27235160The customized logging level '%ls' already exists.
27236160Failed to delete customized logging level '%ls'. You do not have sufficient permissions to delete customized logging level.
27237160The customized logging level '%ls' does not exist.
27238160Failed to rename customized logging level '%ls' with '%ls'. You do not have sufficient permissions to rename customized logging level.
27239160Failed to update customized logging level '%ls'. You do not have sufficient permissions to update customized logging level.
27240160The value can not be less than zero.
27241160Failed to update logging level '%d'. Provide the value for SERVER_CUSTOMIZED_LOGGING_LEVEL property, as it can not be null or empty for logging level '%d'.
27242160Cannot find the cluster execution job instance '%ls' because it does not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions.
27243160Cannot find the cluster worker agent '%ls' because it does not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions.
27246160Cannot find the cluster execution task instance '%ls' because it does not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions.
27251160Cannot add a worker agent to execute the cluster job instance '%ls' because the job is specified for all worker agents.
27252160The Integration Services cluster worker agent '%ls' is disabled.
27255160The job id of the execution is null. Create a job for the execution first and try again.
27256160The event message does not exist.
27257160There is no active worker agent.
27259160Failed to enable worker agent because current SQL Server edition only support limited number of worker agents.
27260160Only members of sysadmin server roles can perform this action.
27261160There is no Scale Out Master installed.
27301161Operation is not supported unless all bricks are online. Bring the offline bricks back online, and retry the operation.
27302161An internal communication error occurred. Retry the operation.
27303161An unexpected error with HRESULT 0x%x occurred while processing backup files. Refer to the SQL Server error log for information about any related errors that were encountered. Address those errors if necessary, and retry the operation.
27304161The number of matching backup files (%d) is less than the required number (%d). Copy all the right backup files to the proper backup location, and retry the restore operation.
27305161The number of backup files (%d) is greater than the available number of bricks (%d). You must restore backup files on to at least as many bricks as present in the original MatrixDB where the backup was created. Configure a new MatrixDB with enough bricks to match the number of bricks in the original MatrixDB, and retry the operation.
27306161No matching backup files were found by any of the bricks. Copy the backup files to the correct backup location, and retry the operation. If the backup files belong to a different family, drop the database and then retry the operation.
27307161Brick ID %d has no backup files available. Copy the backup file for the segment to this brick, and retry the operation.
27308161SegmentID %d from the archive does not match the segmentID %d from the specified filename on brick %d.
27309161Restore recovery failed because a problem was detected with data in a temporary file that is needed for recovery. This error can be caused because of a storage device failure or because the restore checkpoint restart file has been moved or deleted. Retry the last restore operation. If the operation fails again, retry the entire restore sequence.
27310161Restore failed because all the backup files did not come from the same backup operation. Retry the restore operation using the backup files from a single backup operation.
27311161Restore failed because of an internal communications error. Retry the restore operation after addressing any network issues.
27312161Device name '%ls' is not valid in a Matrix Backup/Restore command. The device name contains illegal characters or file name is empty. Retry the command using a valid device name.
27313161Restore command is not valid as both Standalone and Matrix archives were found while disambiguating the device name(s). Retry the command after making sure that there is only a Standalone archive or matching Matrix archives.
27314161Restore failed because the brick count of %ld is different from the BACKUP GROUP COUNT %ld from the backup file. Make sure that all Matrix backup files are from the same backup operation, or re-configure the brick count of the MatrixDB to match the group count of the MatrixDB where the backup files were created.
27315161An unexpected error occurred while executing a Backup/Restore command. Refer to the SQL Server error log for information about any related errors that were encountered. Address those errors if necessary, and retry the operation.
27316161Device name '%.*ls' is not a valid MOVE target of a Matrix Restore command. Retry the command using a valid relative path name.
27317161The backup files of the RESTORE command do not match with the segments of the existing database. Copy the backup files to the correct backup location, using family GUID if necessary, and retry the restore operation.
27318161The backup files of the FULL RESTORE command do not match with the segments of the existing database. Copy the correct backup files to the backup location, using family GUID if necessary, and retry the restore operation or use WITH REPLACE option to overwrite the existing database.
27319161The backup type of all the archive segments is not the same. Copy the correct backup files to the backup location, and retry the restore operation.