SQL Server System Errors: 20000 - 20999

List of error messages between 20000 and 20999 in SQL Server 2017.

These error messages are all available by querying the sys.messages catalog view on the master database.

message_id severity is_event_logged text
20001100There is no nickname for article '%s' in publication '%s'.
20002100The filter '%s' already exists for article '%s' in publication '%s'.
20003100Could not generate nickname for '%s'.
20004100Publication '%s' has the following property: '%s'. SQL Server subscribers below version '%s' will ignore this setting.
20005180%ls: Cannot convert parameter %ls: Resulting colv would have too many entries.
20006160Cannot make the change because the article might be in a publication that has anonymous or client subscriptions. Set @force_reinit_subscription to 1 to acknowledge that such a subscription will be reinitialized.
20007160The system tables for merge replication could not be dropped successfully.
20008160The system tables for merge replication could not be created successfully.
20009160The article '%s' could not be added to the publication '%s'.
20010160The Snapshot Agent corresponding to the publication '%s' could not be dropped.
20011160Cannot set incompatible publication properties. The 'allow_anonymous' property of a publication depends on the 'immediate_sync' property.
20012160The subscription type '%s' is not allowed on publication '%s'.
20013160The publication property '%s' cannot be changed when there are subscriptions on it.
20014160Invalid @schema_option value.
20015160Could not remove directory '%ls'. Check the security context of xp_cmdshell and close other processes that may be accessing the directory.
20016160Invalid @subscription_type value. Valid values are 'pull' or 'anonymous'.
20017160The subscription on the Subscriber does not exist.
20018160The @optional_command_line is too long. Use an agent definition file.
20019160Replication database option '%s' cannot be set unless the database is a publishing database or a distribution database.
20020160The article resolver supplied is either invalid or nonexistent.
20021160The subscription could not be found.
20022160This article has now settings to disable uploads and compensate_for_errors=true. However, local and anonymous subscribers will behave as if compensate_for_errors=false.
20023160Invalid @subscriber_type value. Valid options are 'local', 'global', or 'anonymous'.
20024160The alt_snapshot_folder cannot be the same as the working directory.
20025160The publication name must be unique. The specified publication name '%s' has already been used.
20026160The publication '%s' does not exist.
20027160The article '%s' does not exist.
20028160The Distributor has not been installed correctly. Could not enable database for publishing.
20029160The Distributor has not been installed correctly. Could not disable database for publishing.
20030160The article '%s' already exists on another publication with a different column tracking option.
20031160Could not delete the row because it does not exist.
20032160'%s' is not defined as a Subscriber for '%s'.
20033160Invalid publication type.
20034160Publication '%s' does not support '%s' subscriptions.
20036160The Distributor has not been installed correctly.
20037160The article '%s' already exists in another publication with a different article resolver.
20038160The article filter could not be added to the article '%s' in the publication '%s'.
20039160The article filter could not be dropped from the article '%s' in the publication '%s'.
20040160Could not drop the article(s) from the publication '%s'.
20041160Transaction rolled back. Could not execute trigger. Retry your transaction.
20043160Could not change the article '%s' because the publication has already been activated.
20044160The priority property is invalid for local subscribers.
20045160You must supply an article name.
20046160The article does not exist.
20047160You are not authorized to perform this operation.
20048160To modify the priority of a subscription, run sp_changemergesubscription at the Publisher instead of using sp_changemergepullsubscription at subscriber. This is for backward compatibility only.
20049160The priority value should not be larger than 100.0.
20050160The retention period must be greater than or equal to 0, and it must not extend past December 31, 9999.
20051160The Subscriber is not registered.
20052160The @metatype parameter value must be null, 1, 2, 5, or 6.
20053160An article with a different %s value already exists for object '%s'.
20054160Current database is not enabled for publishing.
20055160Table '%s' cannot be published for merge replication because it has a timestamp column.
20056160Table '%s' cannot be republished.
20057160The profile name '%s' already exists for the specified agent type.
20058160The @agent_type must be 1 (Snapshot), 2 (Logreader), 3 (Distribution), or 4 (Merge)
20059160The @profile_type must be 0 (System) or 1 (Custom)
20060160Compatibility level cannot be smaller than 60.
20061160The compatibility level of this database must be set to 70 or higher to be enabled for merge publishing.
20062160Updating columns with the rowguidcol property is not allowed.
20063160Table '%s' into which you are trying to insert, update, or delete data has been marked as read-only. Only the merge process can perform these operations.
20064160Cannot drop profile. Either it is not defined or it is defined as the default profile.
20065160Cannot drop profile because it is in use.
20066160Profile not defined.
20067160The parameter name '%s' already exists for the specified profile.
20068160The article cannot be created on table '%s' because it has more than %d columns.
20069160Cannot validate a merge article that uses looping join filters.
20070160Cannot update subscription row.
20072160Cannot update Subscriber information row.
20073160Articles can be added or changed only at the Publisher.
20074160Only a table object can be published as a "table" article for merge replication.
20075160The 'status' parameter value must be either 'active' or 'unsynced'.
20076160The @sync_mode parameter value must be 'native' or 'character'.
20077160Problem encountered generating replica nickname.
20078160The @property parameter value must be one of the following: 'sync_type', 'priority', 'description', 'subscriber_security_mode', 'subscriber_login', 'subscriber_password', 'publisher_security_mode', 'publisher_login', 'publisher_password', 'merge_job_login', or 'merge_job_password'.
20079160Invalid @subscription_type parameter value. Valid options are 'push', 'pull', or 'both'.
20081160Publication property '%s' cannot be NULL.
20084160Publication '%s' cannot be subscribed to by Subscriber database '%s'.
20086160Publication '%s' does not support the nosync type because it contains a table that does not have a rowguidcol column.
20087160You cannot push an anonymous subscription.
20088160Only assign priorities that are greater than or equal to 0 and less than 100.
20089160Could not get license information correctly.
20090160Could not get version information correctly.
20091160sp_mergesubscription_cleanup is used to clean up push subscriptions. Use sp_dropmergepullsubscription to clean up pull or anonymous subscriptions.
20092160Table '%s' into which you are trying to insert, update, or delete data is currently being upgraded or initialized for merge replication. On the publisher data modifications are disallowed until the upgrade completes and snapshot has successfully run. On subscriber data modifications are disallowed until the upgrade completes or the initial snapshot has been successfully applied and it has synchronized with the publisher.
20093160Merge replication upgrade is not complete until the snapshot agent is run for the publisher and the merge agent run for all the subscribers.
20094100Profile parameter '%s' is dynamically reloadable and the change will be applied to running agents within configured period of time.
20095100For agent profile '%s', parameters marked as is_reloadable in msdb.dbo.MSagentparameterlist table will be applied to running agents within configured period of time.
20100160Cannot drop Subscriber '%s'. There are existing subscriptions.
20500160The updatable Subscriber stored procedure '%s' does not exist.
20501160Could not insert into sysarticleupdates using sp_articlecolumn.
20502160Invalid '%s' value. Valid values are 'read only', 'sync tran', 'queued tran', or 'failover'.
20503160Invalid '%s' value in '%s'. The publication is not enabled for '%s' updatable subscriptions.
20504160Immediate Updating Subscriptions: The xml values inserted/updated by Subscriber will be replicated as NULL to publisher.
20505160Could not drop synchronous update stored procedure '%s' in '%s'.
20506160Source table '%s' not found in '%s'.
20507160Table '%s' not found in '%s'.
20508110Updatable subscriptions: The text, ntext, or image values inserted at the Subscriber will be NULL.
20509160Updatable subscriptions: The text, ntext, or image values cannot be updated at the Subscriber.
20510160Updateable Subscriptions: Cannot update identity columns.
20511160Updateable Subscriptions: Cannot update timestamp columns.
20512160Updateable Subscriptions: Rolling back transaction.
20513160Database '%s' does not contain any replication metadata for a row whose ROWGUIDCOL matches the value specified for the @rowguid parameter of sp_showrowreplicainfo. Verify that the value specified for @rowguid parameter is correct.
20514100A rowcount validation request has been submitted to heterogeneous publisher %s for article %s of publication %s. Validation results will be posted to distribution history.
20515160Updateable Subscriptions: Rows do not match between Publisher and Subscriber. Run the Distribution Agent to refresh rows at the Subscriber.
20516160Updateable Subscriptions: Replicated data is not updatable.
20518160Updateable Subscriptions: INSERT and DELETE operations are not supported unless published table has a timestamp column.
20519160Updateable Subscriptions: INSERT operations on tables with identity or timestamp columns are not allowed unless a primary key is defined at the Subscriber.
20520160Updateable Subscriptions: UPDATE operations on tables with identity or timestamp columns are not allowed unless a primary key is defined at the Subscriber.
20521160sp_MSmark_proc_norepl: must be a member of the db_owner or sysadmin roles.
20522160sp_MSmark_proc_norepl: invalid object name '%s'.
20523160Could not validate the article '%s'. It is not activated.
20524100Table '%s' may be out of synchronization. Rowcounts (actual: %s, expected: %s). Rowcount method %d used (0 = Full, 1 = Fast).
20525100Table '%s' might be out of synchronization. Rowcounts (actual: %s, expected %s). Checksum values (actual: %s, expected: %s).
20526100Table '%s' passed rowcount (%s) validation. Rowcount method %d used (0 = Full, 1 = Fast).
20527100Table '%s' passed rowcount (%s) and checksum validation. Checksum is not compared for any text or image columns.
20528100Log Reader Agent startup message.
20529100Starting agent.
20530100Run agent.
20531100Detect nonlogged agent shutdown.
20532100Replication agent schedule.
20533100Replication agents checkup
20534100Detects replication agents that are not logging history actively.
20535100Removes replication agent history from the distribution database.
20536100Replication: agent failure
20537100Replication: agent retry
20538100Replication: expired subscription dropped
20539100Replication Warning: %s (Threshold: %s)
20540100Replication: agent success
20541100Removes replicated transactions from the distribution database.
20542100Detects and removes expired subscriptions from published databases or distribution databases.
20543100@rowcount_only parameter must be the value 0,1, or 2. 0=7.0 compatible checksum. 1=only check rowcounts. 2=new checksum functionality introduced in version 8.0.
20545100Default agent profile
20546100Verbose history agent profile.
20547100Agent profile for detailed history logging.
20548100Slow link agent profile.
20549100Agent profile for low bandwidth connections.
20550100Windows Synchronization Manager profile
20551100Profile used by the Windows Synchronization Manager.
20552100Could not clean up the distribution transaction tables.
20553100Could not clean up the distribution history tables.
20554100The replication agent has not logged a progress message in %ld minutes. This might indicate an unresponsive agent or high system activity. Verify that records are being replicated to the destination and that connections to the Subscriber, Publisher, and Distributor are still active.
205551006.x publication.
20556100Heartbeats detected for all running replication agents.
20557101Agent shutdown. For more information, see the SQL Server Agent job history for job '%s'.
20558100Table '%s' passed full rowcount validation after failing the fast check. DBCC UPDATEUSAGE will be initiated automatically.
20559100Conditional Fast Rowcount method requested without specifying an expected count. Fast method will be used.
20560100An expected checksum value was passed, but checksums will not be compared because rowcount-only checking was requested.
20561100Generated expected rowcount value of %s for %s.
20565100Replication: Subscriber has failed data validation
20566100Replication: Subscriber has passed data validation
20567100Agent history clean up: %s
20568100Distribution clean up: %s
20569100Expired subscription clean up
20570100Reinitialize subscriptions having data validation failures
20571100Reinitializes all subscriptions that have data validation failures.
20572101Subscriber '%s' subscription to article '%s' in publication '%s' has been reinitialized after a validation failure.
20573100Replication: Subscription reinitialized after validation failure
20574101Subscriber '%s' subscription to article '%s' in publication '%s' failed data validation.
20575100Subscriber '%s' subscription to article '%s' in publication '%s' passed data validation.
20576100Subscriber '%s' subscription to article '%s' in publication '%s' has been reinitialized after a synchronization failure.
20577100No entries were found in msdb..sysreplicationalerts.
20578100Replication: agent custom shutdown
20579100Generated expected rowcount value of %s and expected checksum value of %s for %s.
20580100Heartbeats not detected for some replication agents. The status of these agents have been changed to 'Failed'.
20581100Cannot drop server '%s' because it is used as a Distributor in replication.
20582100Cannot drop server '%s' because it is used as a Publisher in replication.
20583100Cannot drop server '%s' because it is used as a Subscriber in replication.
20584100Cannot drop server '%s' because it is used as a Subscriber to remote Publisher '%s' in replication.
20585160Validation Failure. Object '%s' does not exist.
20586160(default destination)
20587160Invalid '%s' value for stored procedure '%s'.
20588160The subscription is not initialized. Run the Distribution Agent first.
20589100Agent profile for replicated queued transaction reader.
20590160The article property 'status' cannot include bit 64, 'DTS horizontal partitions' because the publication does not allow data transformations.
20591160Only 'DTS horizontal partitions' and 'no DTS horizontal partitions' are valid 'status' values because the publication allows data transformations.
20592160'dts horizontal partitions' and 'no dts horizontal partitions' are not valid 'status' values because the publication does not allow data transformations.
20593160Cannot modify publication '%s'. The sync_method cannot be changed to 'native', or 'concurrent' because the publication is enabled for heterogeneous subscribers.
20594160A push subscription to the publication exists. Use sp_subscription_cleanup to drop defunct push subscriptions.
20595160Skipping error signaled.
20596160Only '%s' or members of db_owner can drop the anonymous agent.
20597100Dropped %d anonymous subscription(s).
20598160The row was not found at the Subscriber when applying the replicated %S_MSG command for Table '%s' with Primary Key(s): %s
20599160Continue on data consistency errors.
20600100Agent profile for skipping data consistency errors. It can be used only by SQL Server Subscribers.
20601100Invalid value specified for agent parameter 'SkipErrors'.
20602100The value specified for agent parameter 'SkipErrors' is too long.
20603100The agent profile cannot be used by heterogeneous Subscribers.
20604100You do not have permissions to run agents for push subscriptions. Make sure that you specify the agent parameter 'SubscriptionType'.
20605100Invalidated the existing snapshot of the publication. Run the Snapshot Agent again to generate a new snapshot.
20606100Reinitialized subscription(s).
20607100Cannot make the change because a snapshot is already generated. Set @force_invalidate_snapshot to 1 to force the change and invalidate the existing snapshot.
20608100Cannot make the change because there are active subscriptions. Set @force_reinit_subscription to 1 to force the change and reinitialize the active subscriptions.
20609160Cannot attach subscription file '%s'. Make sure that it is a valid subscription copy file.
20610160Cannot run '%s' when the Log Reader Agent is replicating the database.
20611160Cannot add the article. Publications that allow transformable subscriptions with Data Transformation Services (DTS) can only include tables and indexed views that are published as tables.
20612160Checksum validation is not supported because the publication allows DTS. Use row count only validation.
20613160Validation is not supported for articles that are set up for DTS horizontal partitions.
20614160Validation is not supported for heterogeneous Subscribers.
20615160Unable to add a heterogeneous subscription to the publication. The publication is not enabled for heterogeneous subscriptions.
20616100High Volume Server-to-Server Profile
20617100Merge agent profile optimized for the high volume server-to-server synchronization scenario.
20618160You must have CREATE DATABASE permission to attach a subscription database.
20619160Server user '%s' is not a valid user in database '%s'. Add the user account or 'guest' user account into the database first.
20620110The security mode specified requires the server '%s' to be registered as a linked server. Use sp_addlinkedserver to add the server.
20621110Cannot copy a subscription database to an existing database.
20622110Replication database option 'sync with backup' cannot be set on the publishing database because the database is in Simple Recovery mode.
20623110You cannot validate article '%s' unless you have 'SELECT ALL' permission on table '%s'.
20624160The value specified for the @login parameter is not valid. User '%s' is not a user in database '%s'. Add the user account to the database before attempting to execute the stored procedures sp_grant_publication_access or sp_revoke_publication_access.
20625160Cannot create the merge replication publication access list (PAL) database role for publication '%s'. This role is used by replication to control access to the publication. Verify that you have sufficient permissions to create roles in the publication database.
20626160Filter '%s' already exists in publication '%s'. Specify a unique name for the @filtername parameter of sp_addmergefilter.
20627160Partition id has to be greater than or equal to 0.
20628160Failed to generate dynamic snapshot.
20629160Failed to get partition id information.
20630160Cannot create partitioned snapshot job. A job already exists for publication '%ls' that uses the values you specified for the @suser_sname and/or @host_name parameters of sp_adddynamicsnapshot_job. If the job that already exists is not working correctly, use sp_dropdynamicsnapshot_job to drop it and create a new one using sp_adddynamicsnapshot_job.
20631160Cannot find a location in which to generate a partitioned snapshot. Verify that the there is a valid snapshot folder specified for the publication. This can be the default folder associated with the Distributor or an alternate folder associated with the publication.
20632160Failed to create a dynamic snapshot job to generate the dynamic snapshot.
20633160Cannot start the partitioned snapshot job. Verify that SQL Server Agent is running on the Distributor.
20634160The root publication information could not be found on the republisher.
20635160A push subscription to '%ls' was found. Cannot add a pull subscription agent for a push subscription.
20636160Cannot generate merge replication stored procedures for article '%s'. Stored procedures are generated on the Publisher when the Snapshot Agent runs or when a data definition language action is performed; they are generated on the Subscriber when the snapshot is applied by the Merge Agent. Verify that the agents have the appropriate permissions to create procedures, and that the procedures do not already exist.
20637100The article order specified in the @processing_order parameter of sp_addmergearticle does not reflect the primary key-foreign key relationships between published tables. Article '%s' references one or more articles that will be created after it is created. Change the processing_order property using sp_changemergearticle.
20638100Merge table articles do not support different values for the @source_object and @destination_object parameters of sp_addmergearticle. Either do not specify a value for @destination_object, or specify the same value for both parameters.
20639160Cannot enable the publication to support non-SQL Server subscriptions because the publication is enabled for updatable subscriptions. To support non-SQL Server subscriptions, drop the existing publication and create a new one with the properties allow_sync_tran and allow_queued_tran set to 'false'.
20640160Cannot change enabled for heterogeneous subscriptions property while there are subscriptions to the publication.
20641160Failed to check if the subset_filterclause has a dynamic function in it.
20642160Cannot add article '%s' with one or more dynamic functions in the subset_filterclause '%s' to publication '%s' because the publication could have active subscriptions. Set @force_reinit_subscription to 1 to add the article and reinitialize all active subscriptions.
20643160Cannot change the value of validate_subscriber_info for publication '%s' because the publication has active subscriptions. Set @force_reinit_subscription to 1 to change the value and reinitialize all active subscriptions.
20644160Invalid value "%s" specified for the parameter @identityrangemangementoption. Valid values are "auto", "manual", or "none".
20645160The property "%s" cannot be modified for publications that are enabled for non-SQL Server subscriptions.
20646160Peer-to-peer publications do not support %s. Change the value for parameter '%s'.
20647160Cannot modify property '%s'. The publication is used in a peer-to-peer topology, which does not allow this property to be modified after the publication is created.
20648160An article already exists for table "%s" with a different value for the @delete_tracking property. The value must be the same for all publications in which the table is published. Use the stored procedures sp_helpmergearticle and sp_changemergearticle to view and modify the property in the other article(s).
20649160Publications enabled for heterogeneous subscriptions do not support %s. Please change the '%s' parameter value.
20650160Cannot enable data definition language (DDL) replication (a value of "true" for the @replicate_ddl parameter) for publication "%s". This is because the compatibility level of the publication is lower than 90RTM. For new publications, in the stored procedure sp_addmergepublication, set the @publication_compatibility_level parameter to 90RTM; for existing publications, use sp_changemergepublication.
20651160Publication "%s" "%s". Therefore the compatibility level of the publication cannot be set to lower than %d. To set the compatibility level lower, disable the feature and then call the stored procedure sp_changemergepublication to lower the compatibility level.
20652160Required metadata for publication '%s' could not be found in the sysmergeschemachange system table. Run the Snapshot Agent again.
20653160Cannot have a dynamic snapshot job with both dynamic_filter_login and dynamic_filter_hostname being NULL.
20654160Dynamic snapshots are only valid for merge publications.
20655160The partitioned snapshot process cannot complete. Cannot retrieve the maximum timestamp information from the MSsnapshot_history table in the distribution database. Ensure that a standard snapshot is up-to-date and available.
20656160The @subset_filterclause parameter cannot reference a computed column.
20657160The value for the @pub_identity_range parameter must be a multiple of the increment for the identity column. The increment for table "%s" and identity column "%s" is %s.
20658160The value for the @identity_range parameter must be a multiple of the increment for the identity column. The increment for table "%s" and identity column "%s" is %s.
20659110The value of IDENT_CURRENT ("%s") is greater than the value in the max_used column of the MSmerge_identity_range system table.
20660160The republisher's republishing range obtained from its publisher is not large enough to allocate the specified @pub_identity_range.
20661160The republisher's republishing range obtained from its publisher is not large enough to allocate the specified @identity_range.
20662160The republisher does not have a range of identity values from the root Publisher '%s' that it can assign to its Subscribers. Ensure that the republisher has a server subscription to the publication at the root Publisher, and then run the Merge Agent to synchronize with the root Publisher.
20663160The identity range allocation entry for the Publisher could not be found in the system table MSmerge_identity_range. Ensure that the value for the @identityrangemanagementoption property is "auto".
20664160The Publisher cannot be assigned a new range of identity values, because the values for the identity column's data type have all been used. Change the data type in the identity column.
20665160The republisher does not have a range of identity values from the root Publisher that it can assign to its Subscribers. Run the Merge Agent to synchronize with the root Publisher.
20666160Cannot refresh the identity range and/or the check constraint on the Publisher. Ensure the following: that the value in the identity column has not reached the maximum for the data type in the identity column; and that the user who made the last insert has the privileges to drop and re-create the check constraint.
20667160Cannot allocate an identity range for article "%s". The article is not enabled for automatic identity range management.
20668160Not enough range available to allocate a new range for a subscriber.
20669160Object referenced by the given @article or @artid '%s' could not be found.
20670160Cannot add, drop, or alter the identity range check constraint for table %s. This constraint is used by replication for automatic identity range management. This error typically occurs if the user who made the last insert in the table does not have permission to make schema changes on the table. If this error occurs at the Publisher, run sp_adjustpublisheridentityrange; if it occurs at the Subscriber, run the Merge Agent.
20671160Cannot find the identity range allocation entry for the Subscriber in the MSmerge_identity_range table. Reinitialize the subscription.
20672160A value for the parameter @host_name was specified, but no articles in the publication use HOST_NAME() for parameterized filtering.
20673160A value for the parameter @host_name was specified, but no articles in the publication use SUSER_SNAME() for parameterized filtering.
20674160The publication does not use dynamic filtering.
20675160The identity range values cannot be NULL.
20676110Cannot refresh the Publisher identity range for article "%s". Execute the stored procedure sp_adjustpublisheridentityrange to refresh the identity range.
20677110Cannot add article "%s" with automatic identity range management. The article is already published in a transactional publication with automatic identity range management.
20678110Could not find the regular snapshot job for the specified publication '%s'.
20679110Cannot execute the stored procedure sp_adjustpublisheridentityrange on the current database because the database is a republisher or a Subscriber. To adjust the identity range at a republisher or a Subscriber, synchronize with the root Publisher.
20680160Failed to get metadata for a batch of rows.
20681100Cannot specify a value of 1, 2, or 3 for the parameter @partition_options because publication "%s" has a compatibility level lower than 90RTM. Use the stored procedure sp_changemergepublication to set publication_compatibility_level to 90RTM.
20682100Failed deletion of rows in batched delete attempt on table %s.
20683160Failed batched deletion on download only article %s.
20684160Deleted more rows than expected in the batched delete attempt on table %s. Stop and restart the Merge Agent.
20685160Cannot drop the filter '%s' . The filter specified for the @filtername parameter cannot be found.
20686160Parameter '%s' cannot be NULL or empty when this procedure is run from a '%s' database.
20687160Parameter '%s' must be NULL when this procedure is not being run from a '%s' database.
20688160The tracer token ID (%d) could not be found for Publisher %s, database %s, publication %s. Use the stored procedure sp_helptracertokens to retrieve a list of valid tracer token IDs.
20689160The check for a Publisher needing a new identity range allocation failed on table %s. This check occurs every time the Merge Agent and Snapshot Agent run. Rerun the Merge Agent or Snapshot Agent.
20690160Cannot set up the Publisher identity range for table %s. Verify that appropriate ranges were specified when the article was created, and then rerun the Snapshot Agent.
20691160Merge replication upgrade of SQL Server 2005 metadata and triggers on the subscriber failed.
20692160One or more rows to be inserted in the batch insert procedure for table %s were present in MSmerge_tombstone; merge replication cannot use batch insert. This typically occurs when rows move from one partition to another. No action is required, but if this condition occurs frequently, verify that data is partitioned optimally. Batch insert can improve the performance of merge replication.
20693160One or more rows to be inserted in the batch insert procedure for table %s were present in MSmerge_contents; merge replication cannot use batch insert. This typically occurs when rows move from one partition to another. No action is required, but if this condition occurs frequently, verify that data is partitioned optimally. Batch insert can improve the performance of merge replication.
20694160One or more rows to be updated for table %s contain changes in the column %s, which is used in one or more filters; merge replication cannot use batch processing for these changes. No action is required, but if this condition occurs frequently, verify that data is partitioned optimally. Batch updates can improve the performance of merge replication.
20695160Only %ld out of %ld rows were updated in the batched update procedure for table %s; other rows could not be updated because they have been deleted. No action is required, but if this condition occurs frequently, determine if update-delete conflicts can be avoided. Batch updates can be helpful for performance.
20696160The object %s is marked as shipped by Microsoft (ms_shipped). It cannot be added as an article for merge replication.
20697160Cannot drop article %s from publication %s. In this publication, this is the only article that uses a parameterized filter. Dropping this article changes the publication to a static publication, which requires reinitialization of all Subscribers. To drop the article and reinitialize all active subscriptions, specify a value of 1 for the @force_reinit_subscription parameter of sp_dropmergepublication.
20698160A value for the parameter @host_name was not specified while publication uses HOST_NAME() for dynamic filtering.
20699160A value for the parameter @suser_sname was not specified while publication uses SUSER_SNAME() for dynamic filtering.
20701160The dynamic snapshot job schedule could not be changed on the distributor.
20702160The dynamic snapshot job schedule could not be changed due to one or more errors.
20703160One or more rows inserted in table '%s' were out of partition while the table was published with 'partition_options' set to %d.
20704160The datatype of the identity column of table '%s' is tinyint. tinyint does not have enough numbers available for merge auto identity range. Change the identity column to have a larger datatype and add the merge article with merge auto identity range management.
20705100Cannot set @conflict_logging to 'both' because publication '%s' has a compatibility level lower than 90. Set @publication_compatibility_level to '90RTM' when creating the publication or use sp_changemergepublication to set publication_compatibility_level to '90RTM'.
20706100The max or min allowed identity numbers for the identity column could not be found for the given article.
20707100Failed to publish the article with identityrangemanagementoption set to 'auto' due to one or more errors.
20708100An article is not allowed to be part of a logical record when it has a custom business logic resolver.
20709100The merge process could not clean up the conflict table "%s" for publication "%s".
20710160Incorrect identity range allocation was detected when logging identity range allocation information on the distributor for publisher '%s', publisher_db '%s', publication '%s' and article '%s'.
20711160The dynamic filters property for publication '%s' has been incorrectly set. Use sp_changemergepublication to reset the value to true if the publication uses parameterized filters and false if it does not.
20712160Unable to acquire the replication merge administrative application lock for database '%s'. This could be due an active snapshot running while the schema change (DDL) or the administrative proc change was attempted.
20713160Replication merge admin stored procedure '%s' failed for publication '%s'. This could be due an active snapshot running while the admin proc was called.
20714160Failed to prepare article '%s' in publication '%s' for merge replication.
20715160Failed to create merge replication triggers for object '%s'.
20716160Failed to create publication views for merge replication publication '%s'.
20717160sp_addmergelogsettings failed to add log settings. If log settings already exist for this subscription then use sp_changemergelogsettings to change the settings or sp_dropmergelogsettings to remove the settings.
20718160Log settings do not exist for subscriber server '%s', subscriber db '%s', webserver '%s'. Use sp_addmergelogsettings to add the settings.
20719160sp_changemergelogsettings failed to update log settings. Check the parameter values.
20720160Log settings do not exist for subscriber server '%s', subscriber db '%s', webserver '%s'.
20721160sp_dropmergelogsettings failed to remove log settings.
20722160'%s' failed. The value for parameter '%s' is not valid. Valid values are @support_options [0 - 5], @log_severity [1 - 4], @log_file_size [2,000,000 - 999,000,000], @no_of_log_files [2 - 500], @upload_interval [0 - 40320], @delete_after_upload [0 - 1].
20723160Computed column "%s" can only be added to publication after its depending object "%s" is added.
20724160Could not find a valid command line for the dynamic snapshot job with job_id '%s' for publication '%s'.
20725160Unable to update the dynamic snapshot location for the dynamic snapshot job with job_id '%s' in publication '%s'.
20726160Failed to change the dynamic snapshot location in one or more dynamic snapshot jobs for the given publication.
20727160An invalid value was specified for parameter @subscription_type. Valid values are 'push', 'pull', 'both', 'anonymous' or 'all'.
20728160Failed to restore the max allocated identity value for article '%s' in publication '%s'.
20729160The max identity value allocation for article '%s' in publication '%s' could not be found on the distributor.
20730160Setting @upload_first to 'true' requires the publication to be at publication_compatibility_level of '80RTM' or higher. Use sp_changemergepublication to set publication_compatibility_level to '80RTM' or higher if you want to use this feature.
20731160This edition of SQL Server does not support publications. Dropping existing publications.
20732100Warning: Values of some of the flags specified in the 'schema_option' property are not compatible with the publication's compatibility level. The modified schema_option value of '%s' will be used instead.
20733160One or more rows updated in table '%s' were out of partition while the table was published with 'partition_options' set to %d.
20734160One or more rows deleted in table '%s' were out of partition while the table was published with 'partition_options' set to %d.
20735160Cannot add article '%s' to publication '%s'. The publication already contains 256 articles, which is the maximum.
20736100Warning: Values of some of the flags specified in the 'schema_option' property are not compatible with the publication's compatibility level. The modified schema_option value of '%s' will be used instead.
20737100Warning: To allow replication of FILESTREAM data to perform optimally and reduce memory utilization, the 'stream_blob_columns' property has been set to 'true'. To force FILESTREAM table articles to not use blob streaming, use sp_changemergearticle to set 'stream_blob_columns' to 'false'.
20738110Cannot add article '%s' with sparse column or column set to merge publication since merge replication does not support sparse columns and column set.
20739160The DDL operation is not supported for article '%s'. If the column in the DDL operation is enabled for FILESTREAM or is of type hierarchyid, geometry, geography, datetime2, date, time, or datetimeoffset, the publication compatibility level must be at least 100RTM. For DDL operations that involve FILESTREAM and hierarchyid columns, the snapshot mode must be native. Character mode, which is required for SQL Server Compact Subscribers, is not supported.
20800160Cannot reinitialize the article '%s' in subscription '%s:%s' to publication '%s'. The publication is enabled for peer-to-peer transactional replication, which does not allow subscriptions to be reinitialized with a snapshot. Drop and re-create the subscription instead.
20801160Cannot reinitialize the subscription. The publication is enabled for peer-to-peer transactional replication, which does not allow subscriptions to be reinitialized with a snapshot. Drop and re-create the subscription instead.
20802160Cannot publish objects from the replication administrative user schema [%s]. This schema owns all replication procedures and metadata tables, but it cannot own published objects. Use a different schema for objects that will be published.
20803160Peer-To-Peer topologies require identical articles in publications at all nodes prior to synchronizing. Articles in publication [%s].[%s].[%s] do not match articles in [%s].[%s].[%s].
20804160Articles can only be included in a single peer-to-peer publication. [%s].[%s] is already included in the peer-to-peer publication '%s'.
20805160Peer-to-peer topologies require identical publication names on each Publisher. You are attempting to republish object [%s].[%s] that is already being published in the peer-to-peer publication [%s].[%s].[%s].
20806160An error occurred while executing a peer-to-peer forwarding command. Contact Customer Support Services.
20807160No peers were found for %s:%s:%s. If you encounter this error when executing the stored procedure sp_requestpeerresponse, verify that subscriptions have been created before attempting to call the procedure again. If you encounter this error in other circumstances, contact Customer Support Services.
20808160The peer-to-peer publication '%s' does not exist. Execute sp_helppublication to view a list of publication names.
20809160Peer-To-Peer topologies require identical publication names on each publisher. The distribution agent for publication [%s].[%s].[%s] is attempting to synchronize articles that exist in publication [%s].[%s].[%s].
20810160The specified source object must be a user-defined aggregate object if it is published as an 'aggregate schema only' type article.
20811160Replication monitoring refresher for %s.
20812160The specified source object must be a synonym if it is published as a 'synonym schema only' type article.
20813160Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role can modify a %s that does not have a job with a proxy account defined.
20814100Distribution Profile for OLEDB streaming
20815100Distribution agent profile enabled for the processing LOB data using OLEDB streaming.
20816100Peer-To-Peer publishers are only supported on Enterprise class editions of SQL Server. This instance is %s.
20817160An error occurred during the execution of '%ls'. A call to '%ls' failed with error code: '%ld', return code: '%d'.