SQL Server System Errors: 36000 - 39999

List of error messages between 36000 and 39999 in SQL Server 2017.

These error messages are all available by querying the sys.messages catalog view on the master database.

message_id severity is_event_logged text
36001160%s '%s' already exists in the database.
36002160instance_id already exists in the database.
36003160%s '%s' already exists for the given DAC instance.
36004160DacInstance with the specified instance_id does not exist.
36005160Dac root - database %s does not exist.
36006160Dac Policy with the specified policy id already exists in the parts table.
36007160Dac Part the policy refers to, does not exist.
36008160Dac Policy refers to a non-existent Policy.
36009160%s '%s' already exists in the Dac Parts.
36010160The caller must be a member of the dbcreator fixed server role to perform this action.
36011160The caller must be sysadmin or the creator of the history entry being updated.
36012100Unable to execute T-SQL within procedure due to SQL Server limitation.nPlease execute following T-SQL in database '%s' context after this procedure finishes:n%s
36101160Process ID %d is not an active process ID.
37001160This operation is not allowed since there are dependent objects pending installation.
37002160Cannot find the database '%s', because it does not exist or you do not have permission to access it.
37003160This operation is not allowed because a utility control point already exists on this instance of SQL Server.
37004160The specified instance of SQL Server cannot be used as a utility control point because the feature is not enabled in SQL Server '%s'.
37005160The specified instance of SQL Server cannot be managed by a utility control point because the feature is not enabled in SQL Server '%s'.
37006160Cannot perform the operation because the specified instance of SQL Server is not enrolled in a SQL Server utility.
37007160An error occurred during upload to the SQL Server utility control point.
37008160The operation cannot continue. To remove the SQL Server utility control point, the user must be a member of the sysadmin role.
37009160The operation cannot continue. The specified instance of SQL Server is not a SQL Server utility control point.
37010160The operation cannot continue. The SQL Server utility control point has managed instances of SQL Server enrolled.
37101160Server '%.*ls' does not contain elastic job account: '%.*ls'.
37102160Elastic job account '%.*ls' does not contain the resource of type '%.*ls' named '%.*ls'.
37103160Internal job account error occurred : '%.*ls'.
37104160A job account already exists for subscription '%.*ls' for the selected region.
37105160The job account '%.*ls' on server '%.*ls' already exists.
37106160The database '%.*ls' on server '%.*ls' is in use by job account '%.*ls'. The database cannot be deleted or renamed while associated with a job account.
37107160The database '%.*ls' on server '%.*ls' has service level objective '%.*ls' which is not supported for use as a job account database.
38001160Cannot find the file id %d in the database '%s'.
38002160Only users having %s permission can execute this stored procedure.
39001160Only SELECT statement is supported for input data query to 'sp_execute_external_script' stored procedure.
39002160SQL failed to boot extensibility for error code 0x%lx.
39003100SQL successfully boots extensibility.
39004160A '%s' script error occurred during execution of 'sp_execute_external_script' with HRESULT 0x%x.
39005100STDOUT message(s) from external script: %.*ls%.*ls
39006100External script execution status: %.*ls.
39007160 The specified language ': %.*ls' is not supported/configured.
39008160Invlid Parameter name '%ls' specified for Procedure. This clashes with internal parameters.
39009160Output parameter in external script execution is not yet supported.
39010160External script execution encountered an unexpected error (HRESULT = 0x%x).
39011160SQL Server was unable to communicate with the LaunchPad service. Please verify the configuration of the service.
39012160Unable to communicate with the runtime for '%s' script. Please check the requirements of '%s' runtime.
39013160SQL Server encountered error 0x%x while communicating with the '%s' runtime. Please check the configuration of the '%s' runtime.
39014160Parallelism in external script execution is not yet supported.
39015160SELECT INTO statement is not supported for input data query to 'sp_execute_external_script' stored procedure.
39016160The parameterized external script expects the parameter '%.*ls', which was not supplied.
39017160Input data query returns column #%d of type '%ls' which is not supported by the runtime for '%s' script. Unsupported types are binary, varbinary, timestamp, datetime2, datetimeoffset, time, text, ntext, image, hierarchyid, xml, sql_variant and user-defined type.
39018160Parameter '%.*ls' uses a data type that is not supported by the runtime for '%s' script. Unsupported types are timestamp, datetime2, datetimeoffset, time, text, ntext, image, hierarchyid, xml, sql_variant and user-defined type.
39019100An external script error occurred: %.*ls%.*ls
39020160Feature 'Advanced Analytics Extensions' is not installed. Please consult Books Online for more information on this feature.
39021160Unable to launch runtime for '%s' script. Please check the configuration of the '%s' runtime.
39022100STDERR message(s) from external script: %.*ls%.*ls
39023160'sp_execute_external_script' is disabled on this instance of SQL Server. Use sp_configure 'external scripts enabled' to enable it.
39024160Parallel execution of 'sp_execute_external_script' failed. Specify WITH RESULT SETS clause with output schema.
39025160External script execution failed as extensibility environment is not ready yet. Retry the operation when the server is fully started.
39026160The parameter name 'r_rowsPerRead' is specified multiple times in 'sp_execute_external_script' call. The name 'r_rowsPerRead' is reserved for specifying streaming behavior only.
39027160Parameter '%.*ls' was specified multiple times to sp_execute_external_script stored procedure.
39031160Cannot parse the output schema of the builtin function 'PREDICT'.
39032160The function PREDICT expects parameters in the form of 'name = value'.
39033160The parameter name '%.*ls' has already been declared. Parameter names must be unique in a PREDICT function call.
39034160The parameter 'PARAMETERS' in PREDICT function contains a definition that doesn't match the supplied arguments.
39035160The function PREDICT has too many arguments supplied.
39036160The function PREDICT expects parameter '%.*ls' which was not supplied.
39037160The function PREDICT contains a parameter '%.*ls' that has an invalid type.
39038160The function PREDICT expects parameter 'PARAMETERS' of type ntext/nchar/nvarchar.
39039160Error converting the parameter value for '%.*ls' to '%.*ls'.
39040160The function 'PREDICT' does not support SQL identifier or variable for 'PARAMETERS'.
39041160The parameter 'PARAMETERS' has an invalid definition.
39042160%s EXTERNAL LIBRARY failed because the library source parameter %d is not a valid expression.
39043160%s EXTERNAL LIBRARY failed because filename '%.*ls' is too long.
39044160%s EXTERNAL LIBRARY failed because it could not open the physical file '%.*ls': %ls.
39045160%s EXTERNAL LIBRARY failed because it could not read from the physical file '%.*ls': %ls.
39046160CREATE EXTERNAL LIBRARY failed because the user "%.*ls" specified in the authorization clause does not exist.
39047160External library '%.*ls' already exists for owner '%.*ls' in database '%.*ls'.
39048160Failed to %s external library '%ls': %ls.
39049100Message(s) from 'PREDICT' engine: %.*ls%.*ls
39050160Error occurred during execution of the builtin function 'PREDICT' with HRESULT 0x%x. Out of memory.
39051160Error occurred during execution of the builtin function 'PREDICT' with HRESULT 0x%x. Model is corrupt or invalid.
39052160Error occurred during execution of the builtin function 'PREDICT' with HRESULT 0x%x. Model type is unsupported.
39092160Initialization of native scoring libraries failed with HRESULT 0x%x.
39093160'PREDICT' function does not take parameters of varchar(max), nvarchar(max) or varbinary(max) type except for 'MODEL' parameter.
39094160'PREDICT' function only supports models smaller than 100 MB.
39096160Execution failed because its WITH clause specified different output columns from what 'PREDICT' function tries to return. The schema returned by 'PREDICT' function is '%ls'.
39097160Input data column #%d is of type '%ls' which is not supported by 'PREDICT' function. Unsupported types are binary, varbinary, timestamp, datetime2, datetimeoffset, time, text, ntext, image, hierarchyid, xml, sql_variant and user-defined type.
39098160Error occurred during execution of the builtin function 'PREDICT' with HRESULT 0x%x.
39099160Feature or option 'PREDICT' is not yet implemented. Please consult Books Online for more information on this feature or option.