SQL Server System Errors: 12000 - 12999

List of error messages between 12000 and 12999 in SQL Server 2017.

These error messages are all available by querying the sys.messages catalog view on the master database.

message_id severity is_event_logged text
12002160The requested %S_MSG index on column '%.*ls' of table '%.*ls' could not be created because the column type is not %S_MSG . Specify a column name that refers to a column with a %S_MSG data type.
12003160Could not find spatial tessellation scheme '%.*ls' for column of type %.*ls. Specify a valid tessellation scheme name in your USING clause.
12004160Could not find the default spatial tessellation scheme for the column '%.*ls' on table '%.*ls'. Make sure that the column reference is correct, or specify the extension scheme in a USING clause.
12005160Incorrect parameters were passed to the CREATE %S_MSG statement near '%.*ls'. Validate the statement against the index-creation syntax.
12006160Duplicate parameters were passed to the create index statement. Validate the statement against the index-creation syntax.
12007160The CREATE %S_MSG statement is missing the required parameter '%.*ls'. Validate the statement against the index-creation syntax.
12008160Table '%.*ls' does not have a clustered primary key as required by the %S_MSG index. Make sure that the primary key column exists on the table before creating a %S_MSG index.
12009160Could not find the %S_MSG index '%.*ls' on table '%.*ls'. Either no %S_MSG index with this name exists, or a non-%S_MSG index might be using the same name. Fix the index name, avoiding duplicates. If a relational index has the same name, drop the regular relational index.
12010160Only one spatial index hint may appear per table, either as the first or the last hinted index.
12011160The value of parameter '%.*ls' of CREATE %S_MSG must be less than %d.
12012160The value of parameter '%.*ls' of CREATE %S_MSG must be greater than %d.
12013160The value of parameter '%.*ls' of CREATE %S_MSG must be greater than the value of parameter '%.*ls'.
12014160The '%.*ls' parameter of CREATE %S_MSG is incompletely defined. If the parameter has more than one part, all the parts must be defined.
12015160The index option %.*ls in the CREATE %S_MSG statement has to appear before the general index options.
12016160 Creating a %S_MSG index requires that the primary key in the base table satisfy the following restrictions. The maximum number of primary-key columns is %d. The maximum combined per-row size of the primary-key columns is %d bytes. The primary key on the base table '%.*ls' has %d columns, and contains %d bytes. Alter the base table to satisfy the primary-key restrictions imposed by the %S_MSG index.
12017100The spatial index is disabled or offline
12018100The spatial object is not defined in the scope of the predicate
12019100Spatial indexes do not support the comparand supplied in the predicate
12020100Spatial indexes do not support the comparator supplied in the predicate
12021100Spatial indexes do not support the method name supplied in the predicate
12022100The comparand references a column that is defined below the predicate
12023100The comparand in the comparison predicate is not deterministic
12024100The spatial parameter references a column that is defined below the predicate
12025100Could not find required binary spatial method in a condition
12026100Could not find required comparison predicate
12101160Cannot disable change tracking on database '%.*ls' while client connections are waiting on change notification. Please close those connections before disabling change tracking.
12102160ALTER DATABASE failed because the distribution policy of system databases cannot be changed.
12103160ALTER DATABASE failed because the distribution policy is invalid. The database distribution policy must be set to either NONE or HASH. For the distribution policy NONE, the number of leading hash columns cannot be specified. For the distribution policy HASH, the number of leading hash columns is optional but cannot be more than 16 columns.
12104150ALTER DATABASE CURRENT failed because '%.*ls' is a system database. System databases cannot be altered by using the CURRENT keyword. Use the database name to alter a system database.
12105100Waiting for the nonqualified transactions to be rolled back on the remote brick %d.
12106160The path name '%.*ls' is already used by another database file. Change to another valid and UNUSED name.
12107160Adding a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup is not supported for databases that have one or more publications that use sync_method 'database snapshot' or 'database snapshot character'.
12108160'%d' is out of range for the database scoped configuration option '%.*ls'. See sp_configure option '%ls' for valid values.
12109160Statement '%.*ls' failed, because it attempted to set the value to '%.*ls' for the primary replica. A settings can only be set to '%.*ls' when the setting is applied to the secondary.
12110160Statement '%.*ls' failed, because it attempted to set the '%.*ls' option for the secondaries replica while this option is only allowed to be set for the primary.
12300150Computed columns are not supported with %S_MSG.
12301150Nullable columns in the index key are not supported with %S_MSG.
12302150Updating columns that are part of the PRIMARY KEY constraint is not supported with %S_MSG.
12303150The 'number' clause is not supported with %S_MSG.
12305150Inline table variables are not supported with %S_MSG.
12306150Cursors are not supported with %S_MSG.
12307150Default values for parameters in %S_MSG must be constants.
12308150Table-valued functions are not supported with %S_MSG.
12309150Statements of the form INSERT...VALUES... that insert multiple rows are not supported with %S_MSG.
12310150Common Table Expressions (CTE) are not supported with %S_MSG.
12311150Subqueries (queries nested inside another query) is only supported in SELECT statements with %S_MSG.
12312150Partition functions are not supported with %S_MSG.
12313150User-defined functions are not supported with %S_MSG.
12314150User-defined methods are not supported with %S_MSG.
12315150User-defined properties are not supported with %S_MSG.
12316150User-defined aggregates are not supported with %S_MSG.
12317150Clustered indexes, which are the default for primary keys, are not supported with %S_MSG. Specify a NONCLUSTERED index instead.
12318150Browse mode metadata is not supported with %S_MSG.
12319150Using the FROM clause in an UPDATE statement and specifying a table source in a DELETE statement is not supported with %S_MSG.
12320150Operations that require a change to the schema version, for example renaming, are not supported with %S_MSG.
12321150Creating a temporary procedure is not supported with %S_MSG.
12322150Temporary tables are not supported with %S_MSG.
12323150Distributed Queries and Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS) are not supported with %S_MSG.
12324150Distributed transactions (DTC) are not supported with %S_MSG.
12325150Bound transactions are not supported with %S_MSG.
12326150Creating a savepoint is not supported with %S_MSG.
12327150Comparison, sorting, and manipulation of character strings that do not use a *_BIN2 collation is not supported with %S_MSG.
12328150Indexes on character columns that do not use a *_BIN2 collation are not supported with %S_MSG.
12329150The data types char(n) and varchar(n) using a collation that has a code page other than 1252 are not supported with %S_MSG.
12330150Truncation of character strings with an SC collation is not supported with %S_MSG.
12331150DDL statements ALTER, DROP and CREATE inside user transactions are not supported with %S_MSG.
12332150Database and server triggers on DDL statements CREATE, ALTER and DROP are not supported with %S_MSG.
12333150Execution from the dedicated administrator connection (DAC) is not supported with %S_MSG.
12334150The aggregate functions MIN and MAX used with binary and character string data types is not supported with %S_MSG.
12336150The use of replication is not supported with %S_MSG.
12337150The use of the sp_addpublication sync_method's parameters 'database snapshot' and 'database snapshot character' are not supported with %S_MSG.
12338150The functions LEN and SUBSTRING with an argument in an SC collation are not supported with %S_MSG.
12339150The use of seed and increment values other than 1 is not supported with %S_MSG.
12340150The EXECUTE statement in %S_MSG must use an object name. Variables and quoted identifiers are not supported.
12341150The WITH clause is not supported with EXECUTE statements in %S_MSG.
12342150The EXECUTE statement in %S_MSG only supports executing natively compiled modules.
12343160TRIGGER_NESTLEVEL only supports zero or one argument in %S_MSG.
12344160Only natively compiled modules can be used with %S_MSG.
12345160Max length data types are not supported as the return type of a natively compiled user defined function.
12346160Max length defaults are not supported with %S_MSG.
12347160Max length parameters to user defined functions are not supported in %S_MSG.
12348160Max length literals not supported in %S_MSG.
12349160Operation not supported for memory optimized tables having columnstore index.
12350150DML operations targeting table-valued functions are not supported with %S_MSG.
12351150Only natively compiled functions can be called with the EXECUTE from inside a natively compiled function.
12352150System stored procedures that cause schema changes to %S_MSG are not supported inside user transactions.
12353150Computed columns in indexes on memory optimized tables must be declared as PERSISTED.
12354150The function %ls with an argument in a Japanese_140 collation is currently not supported with %S_MSG.
12355150The persistence of a computed column in a memory optimized table cannot be altered. Drop and re-create the column with the desired persistence.
12401150The %S_MSG option '%S_MSG' was specified more than once. Each option can be specified only once.
12402110Query with provided query_id (%ld) is not found in the Query Store for database (%ld). Check the query_id value and rerun the command.
12403110Query plan with provided plan_id (%ld) is not found in the Query Store for database (%ld). Check the plan_id value and rerun the command.
12404160The command failed because the query store is not in read-write mode for database (%ld). Make sure that the query store is in read-write mode and rerun the command.
12405160The command failed because the query store is not enabled for database (%ld). Make sure that the query store is enabled for the database and rerun the command.
12406110Query plan with provided plan_id (%ld) is not found in the Query Store for query (%ld). Check the plan_id value and rerun the command.
12407180The global instance of the the Query Store Manager is not available.
12408160An operation to read/write to the Query Store failed. Check the error logs to correct the source of the read/write failure
12409170Query Store cannot create system task
12410230Cannot load the Query Store metadata. Try turning the Query Store on manually, or contact customer support to get this addressed.
12411180Cannot load forced plan from the Query Store
12412160Internal table access error: failed to access the Query Store internal table with HRESULT: 0x%x.
12413160Cannot process statement SQL handle. Try querying the sys.query_store_query_text view instead.
12414160Failed to initialize Query Store for use, so user request cannot be executed.
12415160Failed to add query to Query Store for database ID %d.
12417150Only one Query Store option can be given in ALTER DATABASE statement.
12418160Mutually incompatible options for both database state change and for Query Store given in ALTER DATABASE statement.
12419160The command failed because Query Store is disabled on the server or database you are using. Contact customer support to get this addressed.
12420160Cannot perform action because Query Store is not started up for database %.*ls.
12421140User does not have necessary permissions to execute Query Store stored procedure.
12422160Query Store interval length could not be changed because there is at least one existing runtime statistics interval set in the future.
12423160An operation to read/write to the Query Store failed. Partition or delete data, drop indexes, or consult the documentation for possible resolutions.
12425160Query with provided query id (%ld) cannot be deleted since it has active forcing policy.
12426160Plan with provided plan id (%ld) cannot be deleted since it has active forcing policy.
12427160Cannot perform operation on Query Store while it is enabled. Please turn off Query Store for the database and try again.
12428160The Query Store in database %.*ls is missing internal table %.*ls, possibly due to schema or catalog inconsistency.
12429160The Query Store in database %.*ls has an invalid structure for internal table %.*ls, possibly due to schema or catalog inconsistency.
12430160The specified Query Store action is not supported in stored procedure '%.*ls'.
12431160Query Store stored procedure '%.*ls' could not acquire an update lock over the database.
12432160Query Store Interval length cannot be changed because an invalid value was provided. Please try again with a valid value (1, 5, 10, 15, 30 & 60).
12433160Operation failed because Query Store %.*ls is disabled on the server or database you are using. Contact customer support to get this addressed.
12434160The Query Store in database %.*ls is invalid, possibly due to schema or catalog inconsistency.
12435160The Query Store in database %.*ls has an invalid structure for internal table %.*ls column %.*ls, possibly due to schema or catalog inconsistency.
12436170Query Store global Resource Group cannot be determined.
12437170Query Store global Resource Group cannot be determined.
12438160Cannot perform action because Query Store cannot be enabled on system database %.*ls.
12439101Setting database option query_store %ls to %lu for database '%.*ls'.
12440101Setting database option query_store %ls to %ls for database '%.*ls'.
12441100Query store is initializing.This is an informational message only; no user action is required.
12442170Query store flush failed due to internal error.
12443161Query store cannot set default settings.
12444160Query plan with plan_id (%ld) cannot be forced for query with query_id (%ld) as plan forcing is not supported for natively compiled plans.
12445160Cannot set Query Store max_storage_size_mb to %lu. The maximum allowed limit is %lu MB.
12446160Query Store stored procedure is not available on readable secondary replica.
12447160Query plan with plan_id (%ld) cannot be forced for query with query_id (%ld) as plan forcing is not supported for this type of statement.
12449160Query plan cannot be forced for this query as plan forcing is not supported for resumable index builds.
12500160SELECT INTO not allowed in the CTAS statement.
12501160Different number of columns in CREATE TABLE and SELECT query.
12502160Data types cannot be defined using CREATE TABLE AS SELECT syntax.
12503150Specifying schema elements in the CREATE SCHEMA statement is not supported.
12504160Distribution column '%.*ls' must be implictly or explictly specified in the insert select query as the target table '%.*ls' is a hash distributed table.
12600160DBCC CLONEDATABASE is not allowed on this server.
12601160DBCC CLONEDATABASE is not allowed within a transaction.
12602160DBCC CLONEDATABASE cannot be executed through MARS connection.
12603160DBCC CLONEDATABASE does not support cloning system databases.
12604160Database cannot be read. Check if the database is in offline or suspect mode.
12605160Failed to create snapshot database.
12606160Failed to set snapshot database name.
12607160Specified clone database name '%.*ls' is too long.
12608160Specified clone database name '%.*ls' already exists.
12609160Failed to get file attributes.
12610160Failed to update database registration.
12611160Failed to get database registration attributes.
12612160Failed to sync boot page with database registration.
12613160Too many files or file groups to clone database.
12614160Failed to get collation name.
12615160Failed to get database properties.
12616160Failed to drop partially created cloned database.
12617160File path of the database is not supported.
12618160The database has too many objects.
12619160The database has too long file path to create clone.
12620100Database cloning for '%.*ls' has started with target as '%.*ls'.
12621100Database '%.*ls' is a cloned database. A cloned database should be used for diagnostic purposes only and is not supported for use in a production environment.
12622100Database cloning for '%.*ls' has finished. Cloned database is '%.*ls'.
12701160Failed to lock external data source object (EDS name: %.*ls). Lock Mode: %.*ls.
12702160Failed to lock external data source manager. Lock Mode: %.*ls.
12703160Referenced external data source "%ls" not found.
12704160Bad or inaccessible location specified in external data source "%ls".
12705160Referenced external data source "%ls" type is "%ls". Please use BLOB_STORAGE type to reference Azure Blob Storage locations.
12800160The reference to temp table name '%.*ls' is ambiguous and cannot be resolved. Use either '%.*ls' or '%.*ls'.
12801160The reference to cursor name '%.*ls' is ambiguous and cannot be resolved. Possible candidates are '%.*ls' and '%.*ls'.
12803160Containment cannot be enabled for database '%.*ls' because it is a system database.
12804160Feature or option "%ls" breaches containment in a contained database. Please see Books Online topic Understanding Contained Databases for more information on contained databases.
12805160Index name '%.*ls' is too long. Maximum length for temp table index name is %d characters.
12807160The option '%.*ls' cannot be set on non-contained database.
12808160The option '%.*ls' cannot be set on a database while containment is being set to NONE.
12809160You must remove all users with password before setting the containment property to NONE.
12810160The option '%.*ls' was specified multiple times.
12811160The user options for the instance must be set to 0 in order to %S_MSG a contained database.
12813160Errors were encountered in the %S_MSG '%.*ls' during compilation of the object. Either the containment option of the database '%.*ls' was changed, or this object was present in model db and the user tried to create a new contained database.
12814160The object referenced as '%.*ls' resolves differently in the target metadata collation '%.*ls' than in the current metadata collation '%.*ls'.
12815160The column referenced as '%.*ls' resolves differently in the target metadata collation '%.*ls' than in the current metadata collation '%.*ls'.
12816160The type or XML schema collection referenced as '%.*ls' resolves differently in the target metadata collation '%.*ls' than in the current metadata collation '%.*ls'.
12817160The reference to the variable, parameter or goto label '%.*ls' resolves differently in the target metadata collation '%.*ls' than in the current metadata collation '%.*ls'.
12818161RECONFIGURE failed. Attempting to change the 'contained database authentication' value to 0 while there are existing contained databases requires a RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE.
12819160sp_migrate_user_to_contained cannot be used in a non-contained database (a database with CONTAINMENT set to NONE).
12820160sp_migrate_user_to_contained can not be used with a user with a password or a user type other than SQL Login.
12821160sp_migrate_user_to_contained cannot be used on a user used in the EXECUTE AS clause of a signed module.
12822160sp_migrate_user_to_contained cannot be used to copy a password to an old hash algorithm.
12823160sp_migrate_user_to_contained can not find the login for user '%.*ls'.
12824160The sp_configure value 'contained database authentication' must be set to 1 in order to %S_MSG a contained database. You may need to use RECONFIGURE to set the value_in_use.
12825160The database cannot be contained; this functionality is not available in the current edition of SQL Server.
12826161RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE set the 'contained database authentication' to 0 while there are contained databases in use. This will disrupt authentication for contained users and will not allow new contained databases to be created.
12827160User-named %ls constraint '%.*ls' is not allowed on temp table '%.*ls' because it is being created in a contained database. Please consult the Books Online topic Understanding Contained Databases for more information on contained databases.
12828160User-defined %S_MSG '%.*ls' in tempdb cannot be referenced from local temp table '%.*ls' because the temp table is being created in a contained database. Please consult the Books Online topic Understanding Contained Databases for more information on contained databases.
12829160The stored procedure '%.*ls' refers to a group of numbered stored procedures. Numbered stored procedures are not available in contained databases. Please consult the Books Online topic Understanding Contained Databases for more information on contained databases.
12830160The sp_configure 'user options' setting must be zero if the Database Engine has contained databases.
12831160Database '%.*ls' is a contained database. The option 'contained database authentication' setting is 0. Users with passwords will not be able to login to contained databases.
12832161The database '%.*ls' could not be created or altered to a contained database, because the schema bound %S_MSG '%.*ls' depends on builtin function '%s'. In a contained database, the output collation of this builtin function has changed to '%.*ls', which differs from the collation used in a non-contained database.
12833161The database '%.*ls' could not be created or altered to a contained database, because the check constraint '%.*ls' on table '%.*ls' depends on builtin function '%s'. In a contained database, the output collation of this builtin function has changed to '%.*ls', which differs from the collation used in a non-contained database.
12834161The database '%.*ls' could not be created or altered to a contained database, because the computed column '%.*ls' on %S_MSG '%.*ls' depends on builtin function '%s'. In a contained database, the output collation of this builtin function has changed to '%.*ls', which differs from the collation used in a non-contained database.
12835101The definition of the %S_MSG '%.*ls' was refreshed as part of altering the containment option of the database '%.*ls' because the object depends on builtin function '%s'. In a contained database, the output collation of this builtin function has changed to '%.*ls', which differs from the collation used in a non-contained database.
12836161ALTER DATABASE statement failed. The containment option of the database '%.*ls' could not be altered because compilation errors were encountered during validation of SQL modules. See previous errors.
12837161CREATE DATABASE statement failed. The contained database '%.*ls' could not be created because compilation errors were encountered during validation of SQL modules. See previous errors.
12838161Replication, Change Data Capture and Change Tracking are not supported in contained databases. The database '%.*ls' cannot be altered to a contained database, since it has one of these options turned on.
12839161Replication, Change Data Capture and Change Tracking are not supported in contained databases. The option cannot be enabled on the contained database '%s'.
12840160CREATE DATABASE failed. Recollating the database failed while creating the partially contained database '%.*ls', with a default data collation of '%.*ls'.
12841160ALTER DATABASE failed. Recollating the database failed while altering the database '%.*ls' to containment='%ls'.
12842160The COLLATE CATALOG_DEFAULT clause cannot be used in a constraint, computed column, index filter expression, or any schema-bound object.
12843161The containment state of database '%.*ls' does not match the value in master. Contained database functionality will not work as expected. Detach and re-attach the database to correct the database state in master.
12844161ALTER DATABASE statement failed; this functionality is not available in the current edition of SQL Server.
12980160Supply either %s or %s to identify the log entries.
12981160You must specify %s when creating a subplan.
12982160Supply either %s or %s to identify the plan or sub-plan to be run.