SQL Server System Errors: 23000 - 24999

List of error messages between 23000 and 24999 in SQL Server 2017.

These error messages are all available by querying the sys.messages catalog view on the master database.

message_id severity is_event_logged text
23003170The WinFS share permissions have become corrupted {Error: %ld}. Please try setting the share permissions again.
23100160Invalid input parameter(s).
23101160Access is denied.
23102160Item does not exist {ItemId: %ls}.
23103160Folder already exists {ItemId: %ls}.
23104160Folder does not exist {ItemId: %ls}.
23105160Operation violates hierarchical namespace uniqueness.
23106160Container is not empty {ItemId: %ls}.
23107160Item cannot be copied onto itself.
23108160Scoping path does not exist or is invalid.
23109160Container does not exist.
23110160No more items to enumerate.
23111160Item does not exist in the given scope {ItemId: %ls, Scope: %ls}.
23112160Transaction not in active state.
23113160Item either does not exist or it is not a file-backed one.
23114160Sharing violation.
23115160Transaction bindtoken must be null when called within the context of a transaction.
23116160Inconsistent StreamSize and/or AllocationSize data {ItemId: %ls}.
23117160File-backed item does not exist {ItemId: %ls}.
23200160ItemId of folder '%ls' not found.
23201160Share '%ls' does not exist in Catalog.
23202160Could not delete Share '%ls' in Catalog.
23203160Store item not found in Catalog.
23204160Could not delete Store item in Catalog.
23205160Store database name not found in Catalog.
23206160Could not create share to the ItemPath '%ls'.
23207160Could not add Share item for '%ls' in Catalog.
23208160ItemPath '%ls' does not exist in Store.
23209160Could not update Store state in Catalog.
23210160Itempath '%ls' is a file-backed item or within it's sub-tree.
23211160Could not start Store Manager. Please look in WinFS UT Log for details.
23212160Itempath '%ls' is a compound item.
23500160Item container does not exist.
23501160Owning Item does not exist.
23502160NamespaceName is empty or exceeds the maximum length.
23503160Invalid Source endpoint type
23504160Invalid Target endpoint type
23505160A File-backed item must be a compound item type.
23506160A File Backed Item may not contain other Items.
23509160Source Item does not exist.
23510160Item with name already exists in container.
23511160New container cannot be a sub-container of item.
23513160Item does not exist.
23515160Item can not be deleted if it has children
23519160Target Item does not exist.
23525160Invalid Namespace Name.
23530160Operation can not be called inside a un-committable transaction
23536160Win32 file handle is open for item
23573160Cannot change ContainerId when replacing item.
23579160This procedure is reserved and cannot be called.
23587160File stream cannot be null.
23588160Container ids must be the same.
23996160The request could not be performed because of an device I/O error.
23997160System error occurred {ErrorCode: %d}.
23998160Not enough memory available in the system to process the request.
23999160Unspecified error(s) occurred.