MySpace Layout Generator

So you've got a MySpace page and you want to change its layout? No problem!

You can change the layout of your MySpace page easily by using this free MySpace layout generator. You can change things like background color, background image, fonts, colors, and more.

Use the form below to create the CSS and HTML code. Once you've done that, all you need to do is copy and paste the code into your MySpace profile page (under the "About Me" section).

All fields are optional (you don't need to specify everything if you don't want to). If you're not sure what an option means, just leave it as is - a default value will be chosen for you.

Background Color: Select a Color   [More Colors...]
Location of Background Image:
Background Image Repeating/Tiling:
Starting Position of Background Image:
Background image to scroll with window?
Font Family:
Font Size:
Color of Text: Select a Color   [More Colors...]
Color of Links: Select a Color   [More Colors...]
Table Background Color: Select a Color   [More Colors...]
Table Border Width:
Table Border Style:
Table Border color: Select a Color   [More Colors...]

Your Code!

Copy and paste this code into the "About Me" section of your MySpace profile page. Then, when you view your profile page, your new layout will appear!