Bootstrap 4 Forms

Create responsive and consistently styled forms using Bootstrap 4 form classes

Bootstrap 4 provides a default style that is applied across most form controls. It also provides classes for specific purposes.

Basic Form

Use Bootstrap's .form-control class against textual <input>, <textarea>, and <select> elements to apply width: 100% by default.

Wrap labels and controls inside a <fieldset> with the Bootstrap .form-group class applied for optimum spacing. Alternatively, you can use a <div> or other element.

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Inline Form

Use Bootstrap's .form-inline class to make the form elements render as inline-block and left-aligned. Use a spacer utility (eg, mr-sm-2) to add space between elements.

Note that this only applies when the viewport is at least 576 pixels wide. If the following form is not displaying inline, open the preview in a new window. If it still isn't displaying inline, you might need to view the example on a bigger screen.

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Hidden Labels

Labels should always be provided on input fields, otherwise screenreaders will have trouble. You can hide the label if required, by using Bootstrap's .sr-only class.

Here, we use .sr-only to hide the labels. We also add a placeholder attribute to provide a hint to the user as to what to enter. Using the placeholder attribute in this manner is not recommended, as it can cause usability issues.

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Horizontal Form

You can use Bootstrap's grid classes to create horizontal forms. Just specify how many columns each element should span. Specifically, add a .row class to the .form-group and a .col-*-* or .col-* class for each column.

You should also add Bootstrap's .col-form-label class to the <label> element in order to vertically center the label in relation to textual input elements.

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Bootstrap 4 vs Bootstrap 3

There are some minor differences between Bootstrap 4 and Bootstrap 3 when it comes to horizontal forms.


When using grids for form layout, Bootstrap 4 requires the .row class. This class is not a requirement on Bootstrap 3 forms (although it is still a requirement on Bootstrap 3 grids in general).

Control Labels

Bootstrap 4 uses .col-form-label * when using grids for form layout, whereas Bootstrap 3 forms use .control-label.

* Note that Bootstrap 4 initially used .form-control-label but subesquently changed this to .col-form-label.

The .form-horizontal Class
Bootstrap 4 doesn't require the .form-horizontal class. Bootstrap 3 does require it.

Form Row

You can replace .row with .form-row for a more compact layout.

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Form Legends

When using <legend> elements within your forms, you have the option of adding Bootstrap's .col-form-label class. This class styles the legend to be more like a label.

This can be handy for when presenting a stack of radio buttons or checkboxes within a horizontal form.

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Form Control Size

You can use Bootstrap 4's .form-control-lg and .form-control-sm to increase or decrease the size of an input control.

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Bootstrap 4 vs Bootstrap 3

Bootstrap 4 uses a different class to Bootstrap 3 when it comes to form control size.

Bootstrap 4

Bootstrap 4 forms use .form-control-lg and .form-control-sm to increase or decrease the size of an input control.

Bootstrap 3

Bootstrap 3 forms use .input-lg and .input-sm.

Form Label Size

You can add .col-form-label-sm and .col-form-label-lg to your labels so that the label size matches the form control.

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New in Bootstrap 4

The .col-form-label-sm and .col-form-label-lg classes are new in Bootstrap 4.

Column Size

You can use Bootstrap's grid system to constrain input controls to a desired width.

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Help Text

Bootstrap 4 provides the .form-text class that can be used to indicate help text. You can combine this class with utility classes such as .text-muted.

You should also use the .aria-describedby attribute to associate the help text with the form control. This will ensure that screen readers can announce the help text when the user focuses on the form control.

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Bootstrap 4 vs Bootstrap 3

Bootstrap 4 uses a different class to Bootstrap 3 for displaying help text.

Bootstrap 4

Bootstrap 4 uses .form-text for displaying help text.

Bootstrap 3

Bootstrap 3 forms use the .help-block class.

Static Control

You can use Bootstrap's .form-control-plaintext on a <p> element to present plain text next to a label (eg. instead of using an input field).

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Bootstrap 4 vs Bootstrap 3

Bootstrap 3 used the .form-control-static class for displaying static text. In Bootstrap 4, the .form-control-static class has been replaced with .form-control-plaintext.

Checkboxes & Radio Buttons

Bootstrap 4 provides the .form-check, .form-check-label, .form-check-input, and .form-check-inline classes for displaying checkboxes and radio buttons.

To display the checkboxes or radio buttons stacked, nest each one inside a <div> with the .form-check class.

Also, add the .form-check-label to the <label> tag, and .form-check-input to the <input> tag.


With Bootstrap 4, checkboxes and radio buttons are stacked by default (they appear above one another). You can display them inline by adding .form-check-inline to the surrounding <div>. Keep the .form-check-input on the <input> tag.

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Bootstrap 4 vs Bootstrap 3

Bootstrap 3
Uses .radio, .radio-inline, .checkbox, or .checkbox-inline to display checkboxes and radio buttons.
Bootstrap 4
Uses .form-check, .form-check-label, .form-check-input, and .form-check-inline.