SQL Server - Views

Note that this tutorial uses the 2000 edition of SQL Server (SQL Server 2000).

For the latest version, see SQL Server tutorial.

In SQL Server, a view is a pre-written query that is stored on the database. A view consists of a SELECT statement, and when you run the view, you see the results of it like you would when opening a table. Some people like to think of a view as a virtual table. This is because a view can pull together data from multiple tables, as well as aggregate data, and present it as though it is a single table.

Benefits of Views

A view can be useful when there are multiple users with different levels of access, who all need to see portions of the data in the database (but not necessarily all of the data). Views can do the following:

Creating a View

You create a view by using the CREATE VIEW statement, followed by the SELECT statement.


Modifing a View

You can modify an existing view by using using ALTER instead or CREATE.


Running a View

You run a view by using a SELECT statement.

Running the above view results in this:

Results of a view