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JavaScript drop down menu

Dropdown menus like this are sometimes referred to as a "Jump menu". This is because it "jumps" to the selected URL as soon as you make the selection. (Other drop down menus require you to click on a "go" button after you've made your selection - which is the safe way to go if you're worried about users who don't have JavaScript enabled).


To create a "Jump menu" like this:


do the following:

  1. Copy and paste the following code in between the <head> and </head> tags

  2. Insert the following code exactly where you want your menu to occur in between the <body> and </body> tags:

  3. Change the URL references to your own (or you can keep them pointing at Quackit if you so wish!)

And there you have it - your own JavaScript drop down menu!


Other drop down menus:

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